2020年1月30日 星期四

good riddance, departure, arrival, parly, DOA/ Dead On Arrival.

The Trump administration's plan was unexpectedly detailed. But as a blueprint for a two-state solution, it was dead on arrival

EU parly president says good riddance to Britain /EU Parliament leader says many in Brussels want Britain to leave

In an astonishing intervention, Martin Schulz said MEPs in Brussels could…

一個自稱“終於擺脫了瑪吉·撒切爾”(Good Riddance Maggie Thatcher)的左翼團體稱,已尋求事先批准,允許該團體的支持者背對送葬隊伍,他們在炮架車駛近聖保羅大教堂(St. Paul's Cathedral)時的確這麼做了。

 Apple Invite Points to Arrival of Smaller iPad
Apple is sending out invitations for a media event next week, where it is expected to announce the release of a smaller iPad.

 Research In Motion said its London-based executive vice president for sales, Patrick Spence, is stepping down—the latest departure in a string of high-level exits at the BlackBerry maker.

Good Riddance to a Repeat U.N. Offender
Unesco's Palestine fiasco is only the latest of the agency's offenses.

Leader: It is not a good idea for Greece to leave the euro. But it is time to prepare for its departure

In a nearby stationary store, Thora Sigurdardottir, a 35-year old nursing assistant, said she had no intention of going for a final McDonald’s meal. "Good riddance," she said.

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    Urban Dictionary: parly


    parly. slang term for a parliament cigarette. l

good riddance 則指很高興總算擺脫了某人或某事,如We’ve got rid of the old computer system, and good riddance to bad rubbish is what I say.(我們終於擺脫了舊電腦系統,真是謝天謝地。)

rid·dance (rĭd'ns) pronunciation為名詞,指擺脫、清除、解除

  1. A deliverance from or removal of something unwanted or undesirable: "Compeyson took it easy as a good riddance for both sides" (Charles Dickens).
  2. The act of ridding: riddance of household pests.

good riddance


An expression of pleasure on being rid of some annoyance - usually an individual.


'Riddance' is now so completely associated with this little phrase that it is rarely, if ever, seen out alone. The only sort of riddance on offer these days is a good one. It wasn't always thus. In the 16th century a riddance was a general-purpose noun and meant 'deliverance from' or 'getting rid of'. The first adjectives to be linked with the word were fayre/happy/gladsome and, in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, 1600, Portia wishes the Prince of Morocco 'a gentle riddance'.
Also, good riddance to bad rubbish. A welcome loss or departure. This expression is often used as an exclamation. For example, The principal has finally retired, and most of the teachers are saying, "Good riddance!" or When Jean decided to give up her violin her relieved family quietly said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish.". [Late 1700s]

good riddance

Also, good riddance to bad rubbish. A welcome loss or departure. This expression is often used as an exclamation. For example, The principal has finally retired, and most of the teachers are saying, "Good riddance!" or When Jean decided to give up her violin her relieved family quietly said, "Good riddance to bad rubbish.". [Late 1700s]


  • 発音記号[rídns]
[名][U]((時にa 〜))((話))
1 取り除くこと, 除去.
2 免れること, 脱出, 救助, 解放.
(a) good riddance (to bad rubbish)
いなくなってせいせいだ, いい厄介払いだ
Their departure was a good riddance.
“He's gone at last. ” “Good riddance!”


  • 発音記号[dipɑ'ːrtʃər]
1 (…から)(…に)立ち去ること, 出発, 発車(⇔arrival)((from ...;for ...));(…行きの)便((for ...))
the departure lounge
departures board
the hour of departure
on one's departure
He took his departure from London for Dover.
2 辞任, 退任, 退場.
3 (方針・方法・考えなどの新しい)出発, 発展, 試み
a new [a fresh] departure in linguistics
4 (標準・常軌などからの)離脱, 違反, 変更((from ...))
a radical departure from past practices
5 [U]東西距離:船舶・航空機が走った距離を東西線上に投影した長さ.
6 [U]((古))逝去.
departure tax


  • 発音記号[əráivəl]

1 [U](…への)到着((at, in, on ...))(⇔departure);出現
safe arrival
awaiting arrival
the arrival of a train
The arrival of the computer has revolutionized our way of doing business.
2 到着者[物];新しく出現したもの, 新製品;出産, 誕生;新生児
newrecent] arrivals
新着品[者, 書]
The new arrival is a girl.
on arrival
到着次第. ⇒DOA
━━[形]((限定))到着の, 到着者[物]の
an arrival platform
an arrival list

Urban Dictionary: DOA


Dead On Arrival. also see doa. So, no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your Job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.. It's like you're always stuck ...

DOA - Wikipedia


DOA is often an acronym for dead on arrival or Dead or Alive. DOA also may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Film; 2 Television; 3 Music. 3.1 Albums; 3.2 Songs.
