Separately, The Deal Professor took a half-time look at the twists and turns of the Microsoft-Yahoo saga.
Separately, The Deal Professor took a half-time look at the twists and turns of the Microsoft-Yahoo saga.
twists and turns
noun [U]a short rest period between the two parts of a sports game:
Italy had a comfortable three-goal lead over France by half-time.
What was the half-time score?
At half time, the score stood at (= was) two all.
Compare full time.
It’s hard to argue with those maxims. They seem self-evident — if not written into the Constitution, then at least part of the cultural water supply that irrigates everything from halftime speeches to corporate lectures to SAT coaching classes.
Truth nuggets can be found in most successful people's lives, but publishing a book to share them with the world is more often than not a business card rather than a well-written, meaningful and rich offering. Half Time is thankfully the latter.
◆ 編輯室
最近幾年來,「人生下半場」已成了一個耳熟能詳的專有名詞── ˙人生下半場拼的是健康! ˙人生下半場該怎麼讓自己活得快樂? ˙贏在人生下半場! ˙優雅人生下半場,自我實現無極限! 成了到處可見的廣告詞和「標語」。 2001年(18年前)〈雅歌〉出版了一本《人生下半場》,剛出版時,有廣告公關界大老覺得這個書名聽來太"sad",沒想到它恰恰擊中嬰兒潮出生、在各行各業位居要津者的心理要害──你的人生已過了一半,中場過後,就是人生下半場了! 這本書出版後,不但讓這個前所未有的名詞廣為人知、多方採用,而且深獲許多讀書會、研討會、營會、課程……青睞,也成了不少演講和講道的專題。有些人因為看了此書,竟辭去原本相當被人看好的工作,走向更能呼應上主和自己內心呼喚的方向。 為了正視這個人人必須面對的現實課題,〈雅歌〉繼續出版了《下半場贏家》、《下半場突圍》兩本書,不論你正處於人生上半場或下半場,都能透過這三本書思考「從追求成功轉為追求價值與意義」,並且透過深入思考以下這些問題,讓自己乘風破浪、揚帆渡過中年期的危機和暗礁,進入一段嶄新的人生旅程。 ˙我的專長是什麼? ˙我真正想做的是什麼事?我真正想成為什麼樣的人? ˙什麼事對我最重要? ˙什麼事是只有我能做而別人無法取代的? ˙我心目中的完美人生包含什麼目標與內容? ˙我希望後人記得我哪些特點? ˙我覺得什麼樣的人生才沒有白活? 你希望今後的年日是一生的黃金歲月嗎?請千萬別錯過了這幾本可能扭轉你一生的好書! |
dendroid (DEN-droid)
adjective: Resembling, branching like, or shaped like a tree.
From Greek dendron (tree). Earliest documented use: 1846.
"Above, branches spread a dendroid filigree across the sky." — Angus Wells; Dark Magic: The Godwars; Bantam; 1992.
- [名]1 [U]フィリグリー, 金[銀]線細工.2 極めて繊細[精巧優美]なもの[模様].━━[形]1 金[銀]線細工の[に似た].2 繊細な, 優美な.━━[動](他)1 …を[に]金[銀]線...