2020年1月29日 星期三

Die a death, The little death, transcendence, trustworthiness

VIDEO: After Glass, what next for Google?
Google Glass has died a death, but what else does the tech giant have up its sleeve?

Rory McIlroy, who has wide support, has played down his political and religious affiliations.
David Cannon/Getty Images

Rory McIlroy Transcends Boundaries

The United States Open golf champion Rory McIlroy, who has wide support in Northern Ireland, has played down his political and religious affiliations.

American universities have long struggled to meet almost irreconcilable demands: to be practical as well as transcendent; to assist immediate national needs and to pursue knowledge for its own sake; to both add value and question values.

1. 知性要素,其目標為「真理」;
2. 美感要素,其目標為「美」;
3. 道德要素,其目標為「善」;
4. 精神要素,其目標為「合一」。(38)
  真理、美、善與合一,是使所有關係或組織產生正面互動的四個不變價值,也是人類達成永續卓越表現的四大基石。有人將這四要素稱為「四大先驗標準」(four transcendental),因為它們超越了各種客體,主導了我們在世間生活的種種體驗。

"... such as the four ancient transcendental values of truth, beauty, goodness, and unity, along with the aligned values of respect, integrity, and trustworthiness , then they ..."

"... the four foundations of sustainable human excellence, also known as the four transcendentals, so called because they transcend, or range across, all manner of objects, ..."
"... lives every bit as much as we need truth or beauty. In fact, there are deep connections among these three transcendentals . ..."

In-your-face, achingly simple, deceptively frank, the work of Christopher Wool is so very New York. Though he owes a debt to abstract expressionism and pop art, he completely transcends—even demolishes—these genres.

Definition of die a or the death in English:

British informal Come to an end; cease or fail to bepopular or successful:the craze for cycling shorts is dying a death

verb [T] FORMAL
to go beyond, rise above or be more important or better than something, especially a limit:
The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.
The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.

transcendence Show phonetics
noun [U] FORMAL

adjective FORMAL
greater, better, more important, or going beyond or above all others:
transcendent power/beauty/love
He describes seeing Stanley Matthews play football as one of the transcendent moments of his life.
━━ a. 卓越した; 物質界を超越した; 不可解な; (カント哲学で)超越的な.
tran・scend・ent・ly ━━ ad.

adjective FORMAL
describes an experience, event, object or idea that is extremely special and unusual and cannot be understood in ordinary ways:
a transcendental vision of the nature of God
The little death is a translation from the French "la petite mort," a popular reference for a sexual orgasm. The term has generally been interpreted to describe the post-orgasmic fainting spells[1] some lovers experience. Also, it can refer to the spiritual release that comes with orgasm, or a short period of melancholy or transcendence, as a result of the expenditure or spending of "life force".
Speculations about the origin of the expression include current connotations of the phrase, including to sleep

Trustworthiness Before Trust

Onora O'Neill reflects afresh on questions of trust, a decade after her Reith lectures on the subject. She argues that rather than asking, "how can we restore trust" in general, following recent scandals and failures, we should ask specific, practical questions about how better to measure trustworthiness. "Placing and refusing trust intelligently is not a matter of finding guarantees or proofs; we often have to assess complex and incomplete evidence, which the masters of spin and PR may be massaging to make things look better than they are." Systems of accountability or transparency can be ineffective or even counter-productive whereas easily assessable communication is "important and often indispensable."


Pronunciation: /ˈtrʌs(t)wəːði/
  • able to be relied on as honest or truthful:leave a spare key with a trustworthy neighbour



有這說法嗎 原以為可以呼應你的呼籲「即使中英夾雜也要正確」運動
Little Die
他们在英文里,把性的高潮,唤作Little Die。 我想那大约是贴切的。 于是闭着眼睛,与你一次一次,经历小小的死亡。 你快乐么?我是快乐的。
高潮 (Little die)

呵呵, 沒錯, 又是一例
little "death"
在伊利莎白莎士比亞的時代, to die = to have an orgasm
我們的中文詩人, 又犯了詞性不分的毛病啦
不過little "die" 蠻有詩味的 :-)

不過詩或歌的處理可以有 poetic licence
