2020年1月31日 星期五

objectivity, bad faith, unmistakably authoritarian, authoritarianism

China’s response to the coronavirus has been unmistakably authoritarian

"By undermining science’s claim of objectivity, these postmodernists have unwittingly laid the philosophical foundation for the new rise of authoritarianism."
The challenge of creating a public able to parse evidence-free “facts” rests with the press, educators and other thought leaders

When authoritarian countries grow rich, as in South Korea and Taiwan, the new middle classes tend to demand political change. How far will China's go?

2008  Editorial
Beijing’s Bad Faith Olympics

Published: August 22, 2008The Beijing Olympics still have one more day to run. But the final gold medal — for authoritarian image management — can already be safely awarded to China’s Communist Party leadership.

Administration officials admit that Chinese leaders see the imposition or threat of duties, or litigation at the W.T.O., as an act of bad faith.
“They think if you sue them, you’ve insulted them,” said an American negotiator, speaking anonymously to be more candid.

Video: From Totalitarian to Authoritarian to...?

A Bloggingheads debate on whether China’s government is becoming more democratic.

bad faith noun [U]
dishonest or unacceptable behaviour:
They acted in bad faith by selling her a car that they knew to be faulty.


demanding total obedience and refusing to allow people freedom to act as they wish:
an authoritarian regime/government/ruler
His manner is extremely authoritarian.

noun [C]
My father was a real authoritarian so we were brought up very strictly.

noun [U]
