afflict, parable, Levitical, Parable of the Rich Man
很像是柯市長的作法Comfort the afflicted
然後修理有權有勢的人,例如台北市衝著財團,目前幾項大型公共建設的爭議Afflict the comfortable.
‘ER’ Goes the Way of Nurses’ Caps
The final episodes of “ER” served up a parable of anxiety — not the viewers’ sense of loss, but the creators’ fears of oblivion.
noun [C]
a short simple story which teaches or explains an idea, especially a moral or religious idea
[L. Leviticus, Gr. Leyitiko`s.]
1. Of or pertaining to a Levite or the Levites.
2. Priestly. « Levitical questions.» Milton.
3. Of or pertaining to, or designating, the law contained in the book of Leviticus. Ayliffe.
Levitical degrees, degrees of relationship named in Leviticus, within which marriage is forbidden.
思高版聖經 肋末記
Happily there are some who feel such Levitical passing-by to be, alas, by no means a permanent dismissal of the matter; that comment on where the world stands is very much the reverse of needless in these disordered years of our prematurely afflicted century: that amendment and not madness lies that way.
Brook, Peter (彼得·布魯克1995). The Open Door: Thoughts on Acting and Theatre. {敞開的門--談表演和戲劇 },于東田譯,北京: 新星出版社,2007
The Open Door: Thoughts on Acting and Theatre
翻譯者的序(「好戲在後頭」)一開始就提出他對1988年翻譯本《空的空間》(The Empty Space,1968年)的糾正或重譯。不過,我認為他的翻譯過份抽象:
Yet when we talk about theatre this is not quite what we mean. Red curtains, spotlights, blank verse, laughter, darkness, these are all confusedly superimposed in a messy image covered by one all-purpose word
‘ER’ Goes the Way of Nurses’ Caps
The final episodes of “ER” served up a parable of anxiety — not the viewers’ sense of loss, but the creators’ fears of oblivion.
The Rich Man from the Parable, 1627
16耶穌對他們設了一個比喻說:「有一個富人,他的田地出產豐富。 |
17他心裡想道:我可怎麼辦呢?因為我已沒有地方收藏我的物產。 |
18他遂說:我要這樣做:我要拆毀我的倉房,另建更大的,好在那裡收藏我的一切穀類及財物。 |
19以後,我要對我的靈魂說:靈魂哪!你存有大量的財物,足夠多年之用,你休息罷!吃喝宴樂罷! |
20天主卻給他說:糊塗人哪!今夜就要索回你的靈魂,你所備置的,將歸誰呢? |
21那為自己厚積財產而不在天主前致富的,也是如此。」 |
22耶穌對他的門徒說:「為此,我告訴你們:不要為生命思慮吃什麼,也不要為身體思慮穿什麼, |
23因為生命貴於食物,身體貴於衣服。 |
24你們看看烏鴉,牠們不播種,也不收割;牠們沒有庫房,也沒有倉廩,天主尚且養活牠們,你們比起飛鳥更要尊貴多少呢? |
25你們中誰能運用思慮,使自己的壽數增加一肘呢? |
26如果你們連極小的事還做不來,為什麼要思慮別的事呢? |
27你們看看百合花,是怎樣生長的:它們不勞作,也不紡織;可是,我告訴你們:連撒羅滿在他極盛的榮華時所披戴的,也不如這些花中的一朵。 |
28田野間的野草,今天還在,明天就投入爐中,天主尚且這樣裝飾,何況你們呢!小信德的人啊! |
29你們不要謀求吃什麼,喝什麼,也不要憂愁掛心, |
30因為這一切都是世上的外邦人所尋求的,至於你們,你們的父知道你們需要這些。 |
31你們只要尋求他的國,這些自會加給你們。」 |
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus - Jesus said, “There was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived.
19「有一個富家人,身穿紫紅袍及細麻衣,天天奢華地宴樂。 |
20另有一個乞丐,名叫拉匝祿,滿身瘡痍,躺臥在他的大門前。 |
21他指望藉富家人桌上掉下的碎屑充饑,但只有狗來舔他的瘡痍。 |
22那乞丐死了,天使把他送到亞巴郎的懷抱裡。那個富人也死了,被人埋葬了。 |
23他在陰間,在痛苦中舉目一望,遠遠看見亞巴郎及他懷抱中的拉匝祿, |
24便喊叫說:父親亞巴郎!可憐我罷!請打發拉匝祿用他的指頭尖,蘸點水來涼潤我的舌頭,因為我在這火燄中極其慘苦。 |
25亞巴郎說:孩子,你應記得你活著的時候,已享盡了你的福,而拉匝祿同樣也受盡了苦。現在,他在這裡受安慰,而你應受苦了。 |
26除此之外,在我們與你們之間,隔著一個巨大的深淵,致使人即便願意,從這邊到你們那邊去也不能,從那邊到我們這裡來也不能。 |
27那人說:父親!那麼就請你打發拉匝祿到我父家去, |
28因為我有五個兄弟,叫他警告他們,免得他們也來到這痛苦的地方。 |
29亞巴郎說:他們自有梅瑟及先知,聽從他們好了。 |
30他說:不,父親亞巴郎!倘若有人從死者中到了他們那裡,他們必會悔改。 |
31亞巴郎給他說:如果他們不聽從梅瑟及先知,縱使有人從死者中復活了,他們也必不信服。」 |
noun [C]
a short simple story which teaches or explains an idea, especially a moral or religious idea
a. (lē̍*vĭt"ĭ*kal)[L. Leviticus, Gr. Leyitiko`s.]
1. Of or pertaining to a Levite or the Levites.
2. Priestly. « Levitical questions.» Milton.
3. Of or pertaining to, or designating, the law contained in the book of Leviticus. Ayliffe.
Levitical degrees, degrees of relationship named in Leviticus, within which marriage is forbidden.
思高版聖經 肋末記
Happily there are some who feel such Levitical passing-by to be, alas, by no means a permanent dismissal of the matter; that comment on where the world stands is very much the reverse of needless in these disordered years of our prematurely afflicted century: that amendment and not madness lies that way.
"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No. 20, 2008年 2月19日; 2008/1/28 創刊
HC問:這Levitical passing-by是什麼意思?
Happily there are some who feel such Levitical passing-by to be, alas, by no means a permanent dismissal of the matter; that comment on where the world stands is very much the reverse of needless in these disordered years of our prematurely afflicted century: that amendment and not madness lies that way.
解答:該是新約裡耶穌所說的撒馬利亞人的比喻 寓言
Gospel of Luke, chapter 10 verses 25-37.
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?" He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live." But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho , when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn in Jericho and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"
The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
- 有一個法學士起來,試探耶穌說:「師傅,我應當做什麼,才能獲得永生﹖」
- 耶穌對他說:「法律上記載了什麼﹖你是怎樣讀的﹖」
- 他答說:「你應當全心、全靈、全力、全意愛上主,你的天主;並愛近人如你自己。」
- 耶穌向他說:「你答應的對,你這樣做,必得生活。」
- 但是,他願意顯示自己理直,又對耶穌說:「畢竟誰是我的近人﹖」
- 耶穌答說:「有一個人從耶路撒冷下來,到了耶里哥,遭遇了強盜;他們剝去他的衣服,並加以擊傷,將他半死半活地丟下走了。
- 正巧有一個司祭在那條路上下來,看了看他,便從旁邊走過去。
- 又有一個肋未人,也是一樣;他到了那裡,看了看,也從旁邊走過去。
- 但有一個撒瑪黎雅人,路過他那裏,一看見就動了憐憫的心,
- 遂上前,在他的傷處注上油與酒,包紮好了,又扶他騎上自己的牲口,把他到帶到客店裏,小心照料他。
- 第二天,取出兩個銀錢交給店主說:請你小心看護他! 不論餘外花費多少,等我回來時,必要補還你。
- 你以為這三個人中,誰是那遭遇那強盜者的近人呢﹖」
- 那人答說:「是憐憫他的那人。」耶穌遂給他說:「你去,也照樣做吧!」
HC案:路加福音 Luke 似乎是天主教與新教翻譯聖經中少有的”相同字眼”。
又 Hardy 俗譯「哈代」,不知根據什麼發音基礎。
"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." — Nicolaus Copernicus
The Open Door: Thoughts on Acting and Theatre
翻譯者的序(「好戲在後頭」)一開始就提出他對1988年翻譯本《空的空間》(The Empty Space,1968年)的糾正或重譯。不過,我認為他的翻譯過份
Yet when we talk about theatre this is not quite what we mean. Red curtains, spotlights, blank verse, laughter, darkness, these are all confusedly superimposed in a messy image covered by one all-purpose word
past tense: afflicted; past participle: afflicted
- (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely."his younger child was afflicted with a skin disease"
- ASTROLOGY(of a celestial body) be in a stressful aspect with (another celestial body or a point on the ecliptic)."Jupiter is afflicted by Mars in opposition"