2020年1月17日 星期五

rhetoric, rhetorical question, articulate (SAY), infrastructure,minutely,book of record, slide towardsd

  The Round Dozen By W. Somerset Maugham  毛姆著「十二個太太」
 The question was rhetorical and I felt sure did not require an answer.He paused for an effective moment and went on.

The combination of vulgarity with the country’s extreme polarisation is toxic

Obama's final State of the Union speech takes place tonight. For many he is a symbol of hope; for others he is an indecisive leader unable to bring much change; he is most definitely a genius of rhetoric

ON THE lips of a more worldly sort of cleric, the pope's comparatively generous comments (by recent Vatican standards, at least) about homosexuals might have been taken as a calculated move. "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him?" That was the disarming rhetorical question which Pope Francis put to journalists accompanying him back from Brazil; it prompted reports of a major shift in the church's attitude to same-sex relations. While carefully citing the church's catechism, he also said gays should be "integrated" into society rather than marginalised.

Fed to Keep Rates Low Despite Pickup
The Fed affirmed its plan to keep rates "exceptionally low" for a long time, but began to lay rhetorical groundwork for an eventual shift in its stance.

The most important publicly articulated policy of the Ma administration has been its advocacy of 12 major infrastructure projects to boost domestic demand. But one member of a Taiwanese business association in the United States told friends after listening to a presentation on the program in Taiwan that he found it "difficult to understand" and "full of empty rhetoric without a central focus."

"All the 12 infrastructure projects and the NT$500 billion stimulus package have are numbers. They have no sense of direction, no sense of showing people where the government wants to take Taiwan," says Mon-Chi Lio, an associate professor at National Sun Yat-sen University's Department of Political Economy. Lio stresses the he does not want to hear bureaucratic rhetoric, but a vision of what the result of Taiwan's future development might look like.

Obama’s Ethics Reform Promise Faces Early Test

After vowing to usher in a new era of responsibility, President Obama has shown a willingness to compromise between campaign rhetoric and the realities of Washington.

對於余先生應用西方所謂「設問」(rhetorical question)技巧所寫的:「為什麼如此昂藏的英梃,要永遠冷卻而橫陳了呢?」黃維樑評說:「余先生這次是明知故問了……」(黃維樑著

rhetorical question 有時是"自言自語"

Two mighty rhetorical questions conclude this enormous biography of Deng Xiaoping (1904-97): “Did any other leader in the 20th century do more to improve the lives of so many? Did any other 20th-century leader have such a large and lasting influence on world history?” The answers emerge from this comprehensive, minutely documented book, but not as predictably as Ezra F. Vogel, a Harvard University emeritus professor of social sciences, assumes.

這本關於鄧小平(1904-97) 的傳記巨著以兩個強有力的反問結尾:“20世紀有沒有任何其他領導人在改善這麼多人的生活方面做出更大的貢獻?20世紀有沒有任何其他領導人對世界歷史產 生如此重大而深遠的影響?”答案可以從這部全面、詳實的書中找到,但是並不像哈佛大學社會科學榮譽教授傅高義(Ezra F. Vogel)假定的那樣顯而易見。

Two mighty rhetorical questions conclude this enormous biography of Deng Xiaoping (1904-97): “Did any other leader in the 20th century do more to improve the lives of so many? Did any other 20th-century leader have such a large and lasting influence on world history?” The answers emerge from this comprehensive, minutely documented book, but not as predictably as Ezra F. Vogel, a Harvard University emeritus professor of social sciences, assumes.

'Steve Jobs'

Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs is a clear, elegant and concise book of record.
The Guinness Book of Records (and in previous U.S. editions as The Guinness Book of World Records),i

He will succeed outgoing President Chen Shui-bian, who angered Beijing over the past eight years with his pro-independence rhetoric.

noun [U]
1 speech or writing which is intended to be effective and persuasive:
How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.
I was swayed by her rhetoric into donating all my savings to the charity.

2 SPECIALIZED the study of the ways of using language effectively

3 DISAPPROVING clever language which sounds good but is not sincere or has no real meaning:
In reply to the question, he just produced a lot of empty (= meaningless) rhetoric.

describes speech or writing which is intended to seem important or persuasive:
repetition, that tedious rhetorical device

rhetorically adverb
"You want to know what courage is?" he asked rhetorically.

rhetorician noun [C]
1 FORMAL a person who is good at speaking in public

2 SPECIALIZED a person who teaches the skill of speaking and writing in an effective and persuasive way:
Lucian was a famous Greek rhetorician.

rhetorical question noun [C]
a question that is asked in order to make a statement and which does not expect an answer:
"Why do these things always happen to me?" is a rhetorical question.
rhetorical question 【文法】修辞疑問, 反語.

rhetorical question
A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect.

《文法》[U]修辞疑問, 反語;[C]修辞疑問文, 反語文:例Who knows?だれが知っているだろうか(「だれも知らない」ということ).


(rĭ-tôr'ĭ-kəl, -tŏr'-pronunciationadj.
  1. Of or relating to rhetoric.
  2. Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric.
  3. Used for persuasive effect: a speech punctuated by rhetorical pauses.


━━ n. 修辞(学); 美辞(麗句), レトリック.
() ━━ a. 修辞学(上)の; 修辞的な; 技巧的雄弁の.
rhe・tor・i・cal・ly ad.
 ━━ n. 修辞家; 美辞麗句を用いる人.

[副]微細に, 詳細に, 厳密に;小さく;細心に, 綿密に.
[動] 〔rikrd〕 (他)
1III[名]/wh-節/wh- to do]…をしるす, 記録[記載]する, 書き留める;…を(正式に)記録に残す;〈証書・抵当などを〉登録[登記]する
I recorded it in my diary.
It is not recorded how many people died in the war.
The trade journals record that recession is disappearing slowly.
2 〈温度計・地震計などが〉…を表示[記録]する, 示す
The thermometer recorded 90 °F.
3 (記録されることを予測しながら)述べる, 陳述する
record one's objections in a courtroom
4 〈文献などが〉…を伝えている, 物語る, 告げる
The book records the exciting exploits of the hero.
5 …を録音[録画]する;…をレコーディングする.
━━[名] 〔rékrd | -kd〕
1 [U][C]記録, 登録
place [put] ... on record
crack a record
He keeps a record of what he spends.
That's one for the record.
2 記録文書, 議事録, 公記録, 公判記録;証拠品;遺物;(文書などで保存されている)情報, 知識
the (Public) Record Office
3 成績, 経歴, 履歴;(行動・功績などの)記録
a patient's record
His record at the university was remarkable.
4 ((米))犯罪歴;前科.
5 (運動競技などの)記録, レコード, 最高記録, 新記録
hold [break, beat] the world record
set a record
6 思い出の人[物];記念品.
7 (蓄音機の)レコード
play a record
8 《コンピュータ》記録, レコード:一そろいのデータ.
bear record to ...
change the record
for the record
記録として残すための[に];正確を期すための[に];はっきり言って, 公式に申し述べるが.
get [put, set] the record straight
go [put oneself] on record
(意見・立場を)公に発表する, 自分の態度を明らかにする, 記録に残る.
keep to the record
off the record
((略式))公表してはならない, オフレコの[で], 非公開の[で], 秘密の[で]
The President gave an off the record interview.
on [upon] (the) record
(1) 公に知られている, 公式に言明[表明]した
the heaviest rainfall on record
(2) (出版物などに)記録された, 記録にある.
(3) 記録的な.
━━[形] 〔rékrd | -kd〕 記録的な, レコード破りの;最高の
a record rainfall
a record 500 letters
[古フランス語←ラテン語recordārī (re-再び+cors心+-ārī=心にかえる). △HEART


noun [C usually singular]
the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively:
The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure.
articulate (SAY) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
1 to express in words:
I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.

2 to pronounce:
When children first learn to talk, there are some sounds that they find difficult to articulate.

articulation Show phonetics
noun [U]
A good singer needs to have good articulation (= a clear way of pronouncing words).
