- Aug. 26, 2024
Many countries are more clear-eyed about Chinese-led forums that have sprung up in recent years alongside older, multilateral bodies
Amazing what you can discern from satellite imagery of North Korea. Our 38 North website out of our US-Korea Institute at SAIS offers a rare, informed, and analytical view inside the world of this secretive nation.
With competition and technology improving the substances on the market, these are high times for discerning drug usershttp://econ.st/1htqtDb
These are high times for discerning drug users. For years they made do with poor quality drugs. But now the purity of cocaine, ecstasy and heroin is rising across Britain. Over the past five years the average purity of cocaine has gone up from 18% to 51%. In parts of the country police have seen cocaine that is 90% pure of late. Why?http://econ.st/1S2gn9m
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Not for FollowersBy JONAH BROMWICH
Sosh is often described as a concierge service; it picks out
restaurants, bars and activities for the discerning New Yorker.
Slide Show: Little Luxuries for Travelers
Need to find a gift for the discerning traveler in your life? Here are seven ideas, from a colorful clutch to paper soapThat second, irresistible slice of chocolate cake is almost always too much. It tastes good, of course, but the pleasurable surprise has dissipated. A sated palate turns discerning — the frosting seems a little too sweet, the base too rich.
Commodities Go Their Separate Ways
The recent fall in commodities prices has been far from uniform. After years of close correlation in commodity prices, investors need to become more discerning.
Tony Blair's memoir, out this week, has so far received attention mostly for the former Prime Minister's judgments about George W. Bush (remarkably admiring) and Gordon Brown (decidedly mixed). But Mr. Blair's clear-sighted views on the financial crisis are arguably more instructive.
Most people buy a travel guide at a local bookstore before going on a trip. But what do discerning and exclusive travelers, for whom five star hotels are the norm, do? no holds barred
But what they gain is a glimpse into the past that provides a fuller, richer view of the present. Know Latin and you discern the Roman layer that lies beneath the skin of the Western world. And you open up 500 years of Western literature (plus an additional thousand years of Latin prose and poetry).
showing good judgement, especially about style and quality:
a discerning customer
verb [T] FORMAL
to see, recognize or understand something that is not clear:
I could just discern a figure in the darkness.
It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.
discernible, US ALSO discernable
adjective FORMAL
The influence of Rodin is discernible (= can be seen) in the younger artist.
There is no discernible reason (= one that can be understood) why this should be the case.
- Having sharp, clear vision.
- Perceptive; discerning.
Meaning #1: having sharp clear vision
Meaning #2: mentally acute or penetratingly
clear-eyed | (adjective) Mentally acute or penetratingly discerning. |
Synonyms: | perspicacious |
Usage: | John's clear-eyed assessment of the company's problems saved it from bankruptcy. |
Definition of
n English:
Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin discernere, from dis- 'apart' + cernere 'to separate'.
(dĭ-sûr'nĭng, -zûr'-)

Exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; perceptive.
Having or showing good judgement:the brasserie attracts discerning customers
- 発音記号[disə'ːrniŋ, -zə'ːrn-]
[形]眼力のある, 洞察[識別]力のある;((the 〜s))((名詞的))見識[眼力]のある人
a discerning audience
[副]Synonyms: clear-eyed, perspicacious
clear-sightedly clear'-sight'ed·ly adv.
clear-sightedness clear'-sight'ed·ness n.
- 発音記号[dísəpèit]
1 …を分散させる, 散らす, 追い払う;〈心配・憂うつなどを〉晴らす.
2 …を浪費する.
1 消散[消失]する;分解する
2 放蕩(とう)する, 道楽する, 散財する.
The haze has dissipated.
- 発音記号[dísəpèitid]
1 放埒(らつ)な, ふしだらな, 道楽にふける.
2 浪費された.