2025年2月15日 星期六

hamper, mendacious, censorship, “strong regret and dissatisfaction”, ...Donald Trump’s mendacious interventions will hurt South Africa

Donald Trump’s enmity towards South Africa will do serious damage to the “rainbow nation”. But while America’s president has told some lies about the country, he has hit on some truths, too

WHO drops censorship of words 'Taiwan' and 'China' on social media after backlash
Taiwan's foreign ministry said the block ran contrary to the neutrality the WHO should be upholding, and expressed its “strong regret and dissatisfaction”, ...

Some 250 people are still missing and feared dead from an Indonesian ferry which sank in heavy seas over the weekend as bad weather continues to hamper rescue efforts. 4. PEN stands for the principle of unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations, and members pledge themselves to oppose any form of suppression of freedom of expression in the country and community to which they belong, as well as throughout the world wherever this is possible. 筆會贊同各國本國內暨與他國間思想交流應不受阻礙之原則, 各會員保證彼等當反對其本國及其所屬社會中以任何方式壓制言論自由之行動。 PEN declares for a free press and opposes arbitrary censorship in time of peace. 筆會主張新聞自由並反對和平時期之強迫檢查。 It believes that the necessary advance of the world towards a more highly organized political and economic order renders a free criticism of governments, administrations and institutions imperative. 筆會相信:世界之必然向一種更健全之政治秩序與經濟秩序進展, 使對於政府、機關及社團之自由批評有其必要。 And since freedom implies voluntary restraint, members pledge themselves to oppose such evils of a free press as mendacious publication, deliberate falsehood and distortion of facts for political and personal ends. 因自由含有克制自我之義,各會員均保證彼等反對一切新聞自由之流弊, 例如出版偽書、捏造消息及歪曲事實,以達其政治及私人目的一類之行為。


hamper (CAUSE DIFFICULTY) Show phonetics verb [T] to prevent someone doing something easily: Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.

censor Show phonetics noun [C] a person whose job is to read books, watch films, etc. in order to remove anything offensive from them, or who reads private letters, especially sent during war or from prison, to remove parts considered unsuitable censor Show phonetics verb [T] The book was heavily censored when first published. censorship Show phonetics noun [U] censorship of the press


━━ a. 虚偽の, うそをつく. men・da・cious・ly ━━ ad. men・dac・i・ty  ━━ n. 虚偽, うそつき癖.
