In Europe our designers have placed Mr Trump at the head of a long, Putinesque table, conferring with Russia’s president. You will notice the empty seats—this is where someone like Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, might have been sitting had he not been shut out of initial talks by Mr Trump. A war of words between the pair is escalating. Under Mr Trump, Ukraine is being betrayed, Russia is being rehabilitated and America can no longer be counted on to come to Europe’s aid in wartime. The implications for Europe’s security are grave, but, as our leader argues, they have yet to sink in with the continent’s leaders and people.
All Economist journalists are welcome at the weekly leader meetings, which hash out the paper’s editorial line on everything from China’s economy to why corporate mergers often go wrong. Some leaders sail through with barely a murmur. Others provoke fierce debates between people with strong—and often well-informed—views. Our recent leader on alcohol, inspired by Vivek Murthy, until this week America’s surgeon-general, calling for cancer warnings on beer and wine, was a good example of the latter.
How to balance the newspaper’s liberal worldview (which includes being in favour of legalising and regulating hard drugs) with the fact that alcohol can harm both those who drink it and those around them? The resulting article argued that, although booze is addictive and harmful in excess, a pint of beer or glass of wine brings pleasure to moderate users too, and that such enjoyment belongs on the scales alongside the harms. You can read the leader—and a sample of readers’ letters, which were as lively as the in-house arguments.
"On the scales" means being weighed on a set of scales, literally referring to the act of measuring weight using a weighing device, or figuratively signifying the process of evaluating or judging something based on a specific criteria, often using a numerical scale. Key points about "on the scales":
提姆·克羅斯 資深科普作家 《經濟學人》的所有記者都可參加每週的領導會議,會議將討論該報關於從中國經濟到企業併購常常出錯的原因等各個方面的社論主旨。有些領導人幾乎毫無怨言地順利通過了選舉。另一些觀點則會激起持有強烈觀點(且往往消息靈通)的人們之間的激烈爭論。我們最近的酒精問題領導人受到維韋克·穆爾蒂的啟發,直到本周美國衛生局局長才呼籲在啤酒和葡萄酒上標註致癌警告,這就是後者的一個很好的例子。 如何平衡報紙的自由世界觀(包括支持將硬性毒品合法化和加以管制)與酒精會傷害飲酒者及其周圍人的事實?由此產生的文章認為,儘管飲酒過量會上癮且有害,但一品脫啤酒或一杯葡萄酒也會給適度飲酒者帶來快樂,並且這種享受與危害是相稱?的。您可以閱讀這篇"導言? 社論?" 以及讀者來信的樣本,這些來信與內部辯論一樣生動。