When It Comes to Pope’s Health, Vatican Obfuscation Meets a Rumor Mill
Updates on Pope Francis’ condition, which was said to be stable, have typically been spare, leaving plenty of room for suspicion and speculation.
More than 850 cows that have spent two months at sea on a ship crossing the Mediterranean are facing slaughter, following a report from Spanish vets
Over 850 cows on pariah ship in Mediterranean facing slaughter after bluetongue fears
HKFP_Voices: "Who would have thought that George Orwell’s definition of doublespeak in his famous novel, 1984, would seem so inadequate? But then he could not have known the new heights to which the Chinese Communist Party regime would take irony," writes the UK's Lord Shinkwin.
If you hate: loft living; bar-clubs; Tony Blair; chick lit; global warming sceptics; Keane; loyalty cards; IKEA; Kabbalah; bling and Richard Curtis...
... then you need IS IT JUST ME OR IS EVERYTHING SHIT? - an encylopedic attack on modern culture and the standard reference work for everyone who believes everything is shit. Which it is. This book is for the large percentage of the population interested in saying NO to the phoney ideas, cretinous people, useless products and doublespeak that increasingly dominate our lives. This book is designed for everyone who thinks they may have mislaid their soul in a Coffee Republic. Never before has there been a book so completely full of shit.
This very funny, well-informed, belligerent rant of a book adds up to an excoriating broadside against consumer capitalism that the authors hope will sell loads of copies.
Bluetongue disease is a noncontagious, insect-borne, viral disease of ruminants, mainly sheep and less frequently cattle,[1] yaks,[2] goats, buffalo, deer, dromedaries, and antelope. It is caused by Bluetongue virus (BTV). The virus is transmitted by the midges Culicoides imicola, Culicoides variipennis, and other culicoids.
ブルータング(英: Bluetongue disease)は、ウシ、ヒツジ、シカ、バッファロー、カモシカなどの反芻動物に感染するウイルス性の病気。日本では直訳で「青舌病」とも呼ばれる。
Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., "downsizing" for layoffs and "servicing the target" for bombing),[1] in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth.
Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language.[2][3]
The word is comparable to George Orwell's Newspeak and Doublethink as used in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four, though the term Doublespeak does not appear there.[4]
- 騷亂:暴動
- 穩定化:鎮壓
- 自由鬥士:恐怖分子
- 協助歸國:遣返
- 內部統一:整肅
- 種族淨化:種族滅絕
- 最終解決方案(Endlösung):猶太人大屠殺(Holocaust)
- 強化審訊技術:酷刑
- 濕刑(Wet work)、制裁:暗殺
- 終止適用(cease to apply)、精準化:廢除
- 職業訓練、生產教育:勞改
- 苦難行軍:朝鮮飢荒
- 三年困難時期、三年自然災害:大躍進饑荒
- 有力仕紳、地方名人:黑幫頭目
- 超量引用:抄襲
- 企業瘦身:大規模裁員
- 中止妊娠、中止懷孕:墮胎、打胎、流產
- 身體交易:賣淫
- 成人影片(和製英語:adult video):色情片
- 發語詞、語助詞:粗話
- 社會撫養費:超生罰款
- 安全改建:強制拆除
- 強制措施:強制流產
- 環保措施:清理垃圾
- 未經同意下以插入方式的性侵犯罪:強姦罪
- 輕生:自殺
- 墮樓:跳樓
- 疫情:瘟疫
- 為避免得罪北京政府,許多媒體及外國政府都以「台灣領導人」來代替「中華民國總統」。政治用語都避免直接或間接提及台灣海峽雙邊的政治狀況,從而避免引起任何一方的不滿。立場傾向泛綠或台獨的媒體,提到中國大陸的時候,都會主動以「中國」代稱,以強調「臺灣不是中國的一部分」等政治主張。香港回歸後,大部分香港媒體均以「內地」稱呼中國大陸政府,及以「台灣當局」稱呼台灣地區政府。
- 中國大陸媒體與部份港澳地區的「親中媒體」(如大公報、文匯報、香港商報等),在報導兩岸新聞時,一律將台灣中央政府各級官署和官職加上引號(如「立法委員」、「行政院長」、「內政部長」、「外交部長」、「國防部長」等,在報導時稱「所謂的立法委員」、「所謂的行政院長」,更進一步的說法是「選區民意代表」(或「立法機構成員」,立法委員)、「行政部門領導人」(行政院長)、「庶務部門領導人」(內政部長)、「外事部門領導人」(外交部長)、「防務部門領導人」(國防部長)。但「中華民國總統、副總統」即使加注引號也不得使用,只能用「臺灣地區領導人、臺灣當局領導人副手」之類的稱呼,地方政府、官職則不需,如臺灣省主席[來源請求]、臺北市長、新北市政府、臺中市議會、臺南市消防局、高雄市警察局等,不需加上引號),以示「不承認台灣各中央官署與官職之正當性」等中華人民共和國政府主張之「臺灣是中華人民共和國的一部分」之論點。
- 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國的官方媒體(如勞動新聞、朝鮮中央電視台)凡是提到大韓民國各級官署和官職時,一律稱之「叛亂集團」或「傀儡政權」,韓方提及朝鮮人民軍時亦偶稱「傀儡軍」。
- 部分西方國家的媒體由於親以色列的立場,只會稱巴勒斯坦自治政府,而不稱巴勒斯坦國。