This little guy can give four hugs at once! 

Seeking to Unsettle Russia, Macron Provokes Allies
The openness of President Emmanuel Macron of France to Western troops in Ukraine signaled a quest for military resolve. But some allies felt blindsided.
Chinese officials were flabbergasted when the pope received a more rapturous response than president Xi Jinping in New York last September
Watch Edgar Degas’s printmaking process in action. "A Strange New Beauty," featuring approximately 120 monotypes along with some 60 paintings, drawings, pastels, sketchbooks, and prints, opens Saturday.
“I’m still in shock,” said Ivan G. Wong, the principal seismologist of URS Corporation in Oakland, Calif., contemplating Japan’s efforts to resist earthquake damage and its parallels to building standards in this country.
“This is really the best analogue we have for the United States,” he said, and “I’m just flabbergasted by the amount of damage we’re seeing.”
Blindsided ... Richie and the whole American Century team are flabbergasted that their logo resembles a toilet. Photograph: HBO
張華兄真的是L. Carroll 先生專家。我昨天抱怨他沒將{序}的electrotype 譯出,他今天找出約1868年新印刷科技,以及其實際印{Alice奇境雙書} (Carroll與插畫家追求書籍裝印藝術品質很感人)的情形....也是重要的印刷科技使之一頁。
- a copy of something made by the electrolytic deposition of copper on a mould.
- make a copy of (something) by the electrolytic deposition of copper on a mould.
characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm.
"he was greeted with rapturous applause"

tr.v., -gast·ed, -gast·ing, -gasts.
To cause to be overcome with astonishment; astound. See synonyms at surprise.
[Origin unknown.]
flabbergasted,大吃一驚的。關於刺殺蘇萊曼尼背後的決策意圖,時報記者寫道,當特朗普作出“最極端”的選擇時, 高級軍事官員“目瞪口呆” (flabbergasted),並立即開始擔心伊朗進行報復的可能。該詞原型為動詞flabbergast,意為令人啞然失色,指徹底驚訝或迷惑。
flabbergasted,大吃一驚的。關於刺殺蘇萊曼尼背後的決策意圖,時報記者寫道,當特朗普作出“最極端”的選擇時, 高級軍事官員“目瞪口呆” (flabbergasted),並立即開始擔心伊朗進行報復的可能。該詞原型為動詞flabbergast,意為令人啞然失色,指徹底驚訝或迷惑。