As day breaks, hundreds of patients wait to see doctors in a queue that snakes around the Peking Union hospital in Beijing.
Marks & Spencer touts its food range as a cut about your average with the strapline: "This isn't just any food, it's M&S food."
But one Instagram user thought he had discovered that M&S's extremely chocolatey biscuits might actually be plain old custard creams.
Peter Marshall, 25, from Ramsey in the Isle of Man, posted a photo on his Instagram accounts appearing to show that when the M&S biscuit was dipped in a hot drink, the chocolate melted off to reveal a custard cream underneath.
Marshall told the Independent: "I was dunking biscuits into hot milk and as the chocolate melted away I noticed that the base of one of the biscuits was actually a custard cream.
"I’ve always held M&S in quite high regard when it comes to food, and finding out that they were using a more common biscuit as a base was a bit of a shock."
He said he wouldn't be making a formal complaint and that the incident hadn't put him off buying M&S biscuits in the future.
M&S said that the custard cream-shaped biscuits made their way into the £6 M&S box because the factory uses the same moulds as custard cream, but a different biscuit recipe.
“Customers can rest assured the biscuits remain our own luxury recipe covered in milk chocolate," a spokewoman said.
"They are simply made using the same mould as a custard cream.”
China's Coal Demand Reverberates
China is doing for coal what it once did for oil: helping push prices to new highs, adding more pressure to the creaking global economy.
國正在煤炭上重蹈石油的覆轍﹕為價格不斷創出新高推波助瀾﹐對岌岌可危的全球經濟產生更大壓力。這CREAKING 翻譯成"岌岌可危"有意思......
The other media outlets for the campaign include broadcast and cable television, radio stations, local newspapers and billboards.
As the weather gets warmer, there are also plans for promotions and so-called guerrilla marketing efforts, aimed at stimulating demand for frozen custard and other desserts on the Culver’s menu.
"Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact." — Lyndon B. Johnson
strapline, 副標題strapline
strapline, 副標題strapline
- a subsidiary heading or caption in a newspaper or magazine."the strapline on the front page promised '13 pages of dramatic pictures and eye-witness accounts'"
custard 乳蛋糕
custard cream 蛋奶沙司
verb [T] FORMAL
to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive:
All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.
Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.
[+ that] It was the famous speech in which he proclaimed that socialism was dead.
[+ two objects] She was proclaimed Queen at the age of thirteen after the sudden death of her father.
noun [C or U]
an official announcement:
to issue a proclamation
A bloody civil war followed the proclamation of an independent state.
emancipated Show phoneticsadjective
not limited socially or politically:
We live in more emancipated times.
The twenties and sixties are often regarded as the most emancipated decades.
emancipate Show phonetics
verb [T]
emancipation Show phonetics
noun [U]
women's/female emancipation
black emancipation
━━ vt. 解放する ((from)).
━━ n. 解放.
Emancipation Proclamation 【米史】(the ~) 奴隷解放令.
━━ n. 解放者.
Great Emancipator (the ~) 偉大なる解放者 ((Abraham Lincolnのこと)).
Emancipation Proclamation 【米史】(the ~) 奴隷解放令.
Great Emancipator (the ~) 偉大なる解放者 ((Abraham Lincolnのこと)).
IN BRIEF: n. - Sweetened mixture of milk and eggs baked or boiled or frozen.
Tutor's tip: I love to eat "costard" (an English cooking apple) with "custard" (a dessert made of eggs, milk, and sugar).
creak Show phonetics
verb [I]
When a door or floorboard, etc. creaks, it makes a long low sound when it moves or is moved:
The door creaked on its hinges.
I heard the floorboards creak as he crept closer.
creak Show phonetics
noun [C]
a noise made when something creaks:
I heard a creak on the stairs.
creaky Show phonetics
1 describes something that creaks:
a creaky hinge/chair/bed
creaky floorboards
2 UK describes something that is old-fashioned and not now effective:
the creaky legal system
creakily Show phonetics
creakiness Show phonetics
noun [U]
noun [U]
perfect happiness:
Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of sheer bliss.
wedded/domestic bliss
blissful Show phonetics
extremely or completely happy:
a blissful childhood/holiday
We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong.
blissfully Show phonetics
in an extremely happy way:
They seemed blissfully happy.
All this time I was blissfully unaware of the situation.