2013年12月18日 星期三

townie, towny, opinionator, opinionated, cinnamon

Video Video: Holiday Drinks: Snowbirds and Townies
Tonia Guffey of Dram in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, created a cocktail packed with holiday flavors: orange, cocoa and cinnamon.
Op-Docs is a forum for short, opinionated documentaries, produced with creative latitude by independent filmmakers and artists. In the series academy-award winning filmmaker Errol Morris explores the John F. Kennedy assassination, the New York City Marathon is celebrated and the Nixon campaign is revisited. Check out all of the videos on nytimes.com/opdocs or even submit your own.

[名]1 《植物》セイロンニッケイ(肉桂), シナモン:クスノキ科の常緑樹.2 [U]シナモン, (肉)桂皮:1の樹皮;薬用・調理用.3 《植物》ニッケイ(肉桂):1の近縁種.4 [U]肉桂色(...

[形]自分の意見に固執する;独断的な, 頑固な(self-opinionated).

Opinionator - A Gathering of Opinion From Around the Web


IN BRIEF: An expresser, holder, or creator of a personal view or judgment.

An opinionated person; one given to conjecture. [Obs.] South.


also town·y (tou') pronunciation
n. Informal, pl., -ies.
A permanent resident of a town, especially a resident of a college town who is academically unaffiliated with the local college or university.
[名]((略式))(いなかのことに無知な)都会の人間;(大学町で, 大学関係者でない)住民.
