2025年2月24日 星期一

ride roughshod over everyone else’s opinions. Macron Contradicts Trump on Ukraine as Europe-U.S. Divide Deepens

President Trump’s strategy tonight has clearly been to just keep talking.
“Will you shut up, man?” Biden said at one point, adding, “This is so unpresidential. ... That was really a productive segment. ... Keep yapping, man.”

Trump's Strategy Was To Run Roughshod; Biden: ‘Will You Shut Up, Man?’

China is the extreme opposite, of course. It can ride roughshod over the lives of its citizens (e.g., building a dam that requires the forced relocation of 1.5 million people who have no channels through which to protest).

Ride roughshod over 對人傲慢
"Everything in the study of human behavior is controversial, and if you try to sum it up you will ride roughshod over specialists, so you've got to have a strong stomach," Dr. Pinker said.

Definition of roughshod


(of a horse) having shoes with nail heads projecting to prevent slipping.
1 〈馬が〉くぎつき蹄鉄(ていてつ)をつけた.
2 有無(うむ)を言わせぬ, 暴虐な.

ride roughshod over

carry out one’s own plans or wishes with arrogant disregard for (someone or something):he rode roughshod over everyone else’s opinions
ride roughshod over ...

Definition of else


  • 1 [with indefinite pronoun or adverb] in addition; besides:anything else you need to know? what else is there to do? they will offer low prices but little else
  • 2 [with indefinite pronoun or adverb] different; instead:isn’t there anyone else you could ask? they took songs owned by someone else and used them without permission they moved on to somewhere else it’s fate, destiny, or whatever else you like to call it
  • 3short for .keep your mouth shut, else you might contradict my story


or else

used to introduce the second of two alternatives:he always had a cold or else was getting over an earache
in circumstances different from those mentioned:they can’t want it, or else they’d request it
used as a warning or threat:you go along with this or else you’re going to jail she’d better shape up, or else
