There is a nastiness in Roald Dahl’s writing that is essential to its appeal. The grotesqueries in his fiction are hilarious; but, dangerously, he reduced real people to caricatures too Roald Dahl was a genius—and a shocking bigot No magic potion or friendly giant can resol The Duck Dynasty Fiasco Says More About Our Bigotry Than Phil's |
Why is our go-to political strategy for beating our opponents to silence them? Why do we dismiss, rather than engage them? |
Ed Alcock for The New York Times
The Louvre's Islamic Art Wing exhibition space sits under a wavy golden canopy.
The Louvre
Some modern monuments are right under most tourists’ noses, in the
city’s historic center. One of the newest is the Louvre’s Islamic Art
Wing, which opened last September. The exhibition space, designed by the French architect Rudy Ricciotti and the Italian architect Mario Bellini, sits under an undulating golden canopy in the middle of the museum’s neo-Classical Visconti Courtyard.
Three charged over linesman death
A Japanese museum showcasing art created in countries on the 43rd parallel will sell off its 400-piece collection, including prints by Salvador Dali and Joan Miro, the owner said.
The Facebook-Microsoft Parallels: A computer prodigy drops out of Harvard and builds one of America's hottest companies. Goldman Sachs plays a key role in the eventual I.P.O. This isn't Mark Zuckerberg in 2011. It's Bill Gates in 1986.Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch's Lives, is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings, written in the late 1st Century.
《希臘羅馬名人傳》Plutarch (46-120)普魯塔克《道德論集 選》
in American English, by analogy with switchback railways. In British English 'switchback' is more likely to refer to a heavily undulating road—a use extended from the rollercoaster and the other type of switchback railway.
The final chapter is an exhortation to better governance, in which he examines corruption, ethnic bigotry, state failure and the steps Nigeria must take to rehabilitate itself. This prescriptive wish list reminds us of the gap between theory and practice in Nigerian politics; it makes you pine for the likes of Achebe to govern. But sadly, he's not writing a manifesto; instead, we have in There Was A Country an elegy from a master storyteller who has witnessed the undulating fortunes of a nation, which – unlike young "Dictionary" – has yet to fulfil its potential.
In "The Leopard," when the Prince is hunting near the fictional Donnafugata, really Santa Margherita, he looks out over the landscape and sees it "aridly undulating to the horizon in hillock after hillock, comfortless and irrational, with no lines that the mind could grasp, conceived apparently in a delirious moment of creation; a sea suddenly petrified when a change of wind had flung the waves into a frenzy."
Syllabification: (big·ot·ry)
Pronunciation: /ˈbigətrē/
Translate bigotry | into French | into Italian | into Spanish noun
━━ v. 波立つ, 波動する[させる]; (地表など)起伏する[させる].

a. 波状の.
- 音節
- línes • man
- 発音
- -mən
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- linesmanの変化形
- linesmen (複数形)
1 《スポーツ》ラインズマン, 線審.
2 ((主に英))架線工事人(lineman).
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[pǽrəlèl]
(1) 〈線・面などが〉(…に)平行な((to, with ...))
(1) 〈線・面などが〉(…に)平行な((to, with ...))
parallel lines
parallel parking
(2) ((形式))同方向[進路, 傾向, 性質]の, (…に)対応[相当, 一致]する, (…と)類似[同様]な((to ...))(歩道の縁石と平行の)縦列駐車
2 《音楽》平行(進行)の;同主(名)調の.
4 《コンピュータ》並列の.
5 《文法》並列の.
━━[副](…と)平行に((to, with ...)).
1 平行線[面];[U]平行.
3 [U]類似, (…との)相似;[C]類似物, 類似点, (…に)対応[匹敵]するもの((to, with ...))
5 《印刷》パラレル(‖):参照符号.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing or((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
1 〈2つの線・面などを〉平行させる;…と平行している, 平行に進む.
2 …に匹敵する人[もの]を見出す;…に匹敵[相当, 対応, 一致]する.
3 …を(…と)比較する((with ...)).
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語parállēlos (para-そばに+állēlosお互いの). △ALIEN]