2019年2月21日 星期四

sceptre/scepter, rod, throne, constable


(US scepter)


  • An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.
    ‘imperial regalia of orb and sceptre’
    figurative ‘a blue worker's smock is his robe of office, his sceptre a venerable hoe’


Middle English: from Old French ceptre, via Latin from Greek skēptron, from skēptein (alteration of skēptesthai) ‘lean on’.

  • 音節scep • ter
  • 発音séptər
  1. 1(王が持つ)笏しゃく
  2. 2〔the ~〕王権,王位


  1. sceptral 

A wand or staff as a symbol of office, authority, or power:the royal insignia included the ring, the sceptre, and the rod

  1. 1(金属・木などの)細長い棒解説的語義
    さお,釣りざお(fishing rod),避雷針(lightning rod),配水管清掃棒
    • curtain rod
    • カーテンレール
  2. 2((やや古))折檻のむち;〔the ~〕むち打ち,折檻
    • Spare the rod and spoil the child.
    • ((諺))むちを惜しんで子どもをだめにせよ,かわいい子には旅をさせよ
  3. 3(権威を示す)職杖,権杖;〔the ~〕権威,支配,統治
  4. 4(土地などの)測量棒;物差し;(モルタルをならす)直定規
    • a measuring rod
    • 測量棒
  5. 4a((主に英歴史上))1ロッド(◇測量棒の長さ;=1/4 chain,5.5 yard(約5.03m));(面積の)1ロッド(square rod)(◇1ロッド四方の面積;30.25平方ヤード(約25.29平米))
  6. 5細長い棒状のもの解説的語義
    (まっすぐで細長い)若枝;((米略式))貨物列車,改造車(hot rod);((米俗))拳銃,はじき,((卑))ペニス;《細菌》桿菌,《解剖》(目の)桿状体
  7. 6《聖書》血筋,血族,子孫



  • 1A ceremonial chair for a sovereign, bishop, or similar figure.
    ‘King Solomon's great ivory throne’
    as modifier ‘the throne room’
    1. 1.1the throne Used to signify sovereign power.
      ‘the heir to the throne’
    2. 1.2humorous A toilet.
    3. 1.3thrones(in traditional Christian angelology) the third-highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.


[WITH OBJECT]literary 
  • Place (someone) on a throne.
    ‘the king was throned on a rock’


Middle English: from Old French trone, via Latin from Greek thronos ‘elevated seat’.

Joseph de Maistre - Wikipedia


Joseph-Marie, Comte de Maistre was a French-speaking Savoyard philosopher, writer, lawyer, and diplomat, who advocated social hierarchy and monarchy in the period immediately following the French Revolution. Wikipedia

Born: April 1, 1753, Chambéry, France
Died: February 26, 1821, Turin, Italy
Parents: François-Xavier Maistre
Children: Rodolphe de Maistre
Every country has the government it deserves.
Wherever an altar is found, there civilization exists.
All pain is a punishment, and every punishment is inflicted for love as much as for justice.

  • Essai sur le Principe Générateur des Constitutions Politiques, 1814, [1st. Pub. 1809]
