2025年2月13日 星期四

corporate, incorporation或corporatization法人化, and, go and. mutant. A select few are saying no to the “corporatization” of romance and the singling out of single people.Mutant Message Down Under. the electronics industry seems to be playing its own mutant variations of limbo.

  Valentine's Day is one of the biggest nights of the year for restaurants. A select few are saying no to the “corporatization” of romance and the singling out of single people.



「企業(hc 加)」(corporate)這個字的字根“corpus”,原意是「身體」、「整體」(body);而“corporate”最基本也最直接的意義,就是一群志同道合的人在有組織的方式下共同生活或是共事。
"... As Nvc can see from its Latin root, corpus, or "body," the word corporate denotes first and foremost a body of people with shared interests or concerns, living together or working ..."

  1. Formed into a corporation; incorporated: the corporate companies of industrial America.
  2. Of or relating to a corporation: corporate assets; corporate culture.
  3. United or combined into one body; collective: made a corporate effort to finish the job.
  4. Of or relating to a corporative government or political system.
[Latin corporātus, past participle of corporāre, to make into a body, from corpus, corpor-, body.]

corporate research 集團研究 (胡適)
Corporate Project Leader and Principal Staff Research Engineer, General Motors.

By Chao-Yen Lu
What is so appealing about bicycling that even corporate managers found bike teams and encourage employees to join challenging cycling tours around Taiwan?


[L. incorporatio: cf. F. incorporation.]
1. The act of incorporating, or the state of being incorporated.
2. The union of different ingredients in one mass; mixture; combination; synthesis.
3. The union of something with a body already existing; association; intimate union; assimilation; as, the incorporation of conquered countries into the Roman republic.
4. (Law) (a) The act of creating a corporation. (b) A body incorporated; a corporation.

corporate Show phonetics
1 [before noun] relating to a large company:
corporate finance
a corporate merger
corporate executives

2 FORMAL of or shared by a whole group and not just of a single member:
All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children.

corporate memory noun [U] SPECIALIZED
the combined knowledge and experience of a company's employees:
Corporate memory loss is a major problem for some businesses who cut their staff in the early 1990s.

━━ a. 団体の, 法人(組織)の; 団結した; 大企業に関連する.
body corporate / corporate body 法人.
corporate bond 社債.
corporate bylaws 会社付属定款.
corporate campaign (企業イメージを高めるための)企業キャンペーン.
Corporate Express コーポレート・エクスプレス ((米国の企業向け小売[サービス]会社)).
corporate hospitality 会社の接待.
corporate identity コーポレートアイデンディティー.
corporate image 企業イメージ.
corporate license 【コンピュータ】企業向ライセンス.
cor・po・rate・ly ━━ ad.
corporate park =office park.
corporate planning 将来的企業戦略立案[プランニング].
corporate raider 企業乗っ取り屋.
Corporate Rehabilitation Law 会社更生法.
corporate sector (一国の経済の)法人企業部門.
corporate structure 企業構造.
cor・po・ra・tion ━━ n. 法人; (市)自治体; (自治)団体; 〔米〕 株式[有限]会社; 〔話〕 太鼓腹.
corporation charter 会社定款.
corporation law 〔米〕 会社法.
corporation tax 法人税.

And go and
英文的 go 是萬用字,可以寫一部小辭典。
***** AND
and (conjunction ,它可以表示「極為、很」VERY等等,作為強調,特別是兩同字合用 )  譬如說(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)CALD  
She spends hours and hours (= a very long time) on the telephone.
The sound grew louder and louder (= very loud).
We laughed and laughed (= laughed a lot).

  你可以用下一日常用(INFORMALgo and... 來測試 《英漢大詞典》等等的弱點:

HM 辭典這樣解釋: go and
This phrase is an intensifier, that is, it heightens the action indicated by the verb that follows it.
For example, Don't go and eat all the leftover chicken is stronger than "Don't eat all the leftover chicken." Similarly, Thomas Gray put it in a letter (1760): "But now she has gone ... and married that Monsieur de Wolmar." Sometimes the and is omitted, as in Go tell Dad dinner is ready, or Go fly a kite, colloquial imperatives telling someone to do something. [c. 1300]

不過,我們再查「 CALD」,它還指出這是用在「不以為然」(used to express disapproval of something that is done:
He's gone and lost (= He has lost) that wallet I gave him for his birthday.
Mike's really gone and done it now - he'll be in terrible trouble for breaking that window.
go (START)    Show phoneticsverb [I] going, went, gone INFORMAL to start doing or using something:
I'll just connect up the printer to the computer and then we'll be ready to go.

EVERYWHERE you look, the electronics industry seems to be playing its own mutant variations of limbo. But the question isn't "How low can you go?" At Dell, it's "How cheap can you go?" At Apple , it's "How cool can you go?" And at Microsoft's Windows division, it's "How slow can you go?"

  1. resulting from or showing the effect of mutation.
    "a mutant gene"
  1. a mutant form.
    "frequently only a small percentage of the offspring of mutants resemble their parents"

On 11/26/05, hanching chung <hcsimonl@gmail.com> wrote:

1. (總稱 )隨員 ,隨從 [G] 2. 套房 3. 一套傢俱 4. 系列 , , [(+of)]a suite of dining-room furniture 一套餐廳傢俱 5. 【音】組曲

Mutant Message Down Under, Tenth Anniversary Edition Paperback
