2025年2月13日 星期四

diploma, diplomatic Waterloo, thawing out

澤連斯基堅稱美俄談判、 應讓烏克參與
Putin Scores a Big Victory, and Not on the Battlefield
Zelensky Insists That U.S. Talks With Russia Include Ukraine
At a NATO meeting, defense ministers’ comments appeared to reflect concerns that the U.S. and Russia might sideline Ukraine and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

外交官diplomat變成學歷 diploma

Opinion: WikiLeaks' latest release is a diplomatic Waterloo

The publication of confidential US diplomatic cables, including unfavorable
remarks about leading German politicians, is a disaster for the United
States, says DW's Daniel Scheschkewitz.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

2009.10 A new dawn for Turkish-Armenian relations?

It’s one of Europe’s longest running diplomatic disputes, but the big
freeze in relations between Turkey and Armenia could be thawing out.

The DW-WORLD Article

diplomatLine breaks: dip¦lo|mat
Pronunciation: /ˈdɪpləmat/ 

Definition of diplomat in English:


1An official representing a country abroad.
1.1A person who can deal with others in a sensitive andtactful way.


Early 19th century: from French diplomate, back-formation from diplomatique 'diplomatic', from Latindiploma (see diploma).
thawLine breaks: thaw
Pronunciation: /θɔː/ 

Definition of thaw in English:


1(Of icesnow, or another frozen substance, such asfoodbecome liquid or soft as a result of warming up:the river thawed and barges of food began to reachthe capital(as noun thawingcatastrophic summer floods caused by thawing
1.1(it thawsit is thawing, etc.) The weather becomeswarmer and causes snow and ice to melt.
1.2[WITH OBJECT] Make (something) warm enough tobecome liquid or soft:European exporters simply thawed their beef before unloading
1.3(Of a part of the body) become warm enough to stop feeling numb:Riven began to feel his ears and toes thaw out
1.4Make or become friendlier or more cordial:[NO OBJECT]: she thawed out sufficiently to allow asmile to appear


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1A period of warmer weather that thaws ice and snow:the thaw came yesterday afternoon
1.1An increase in friendliness or cordiality:a thaw in relations between the USA and the USSR


Old English thawian (verb), of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch dooien. The noun (first recorded inMiddle English) developed its figurative use in the mid 19th century.
diplomaLine breaks: dip|loma
Pronunciation: /dɪˈpləʊmə/ 

Definition of diploma in English:


1certificate awarded by an educational establishmentto show that someone has successfully completed a course of study.
2historical An official document or charter.


Mid 17th century (in the sense 'state paper'): via Latinfrom Greek diplōma 'folded paper', from diploun 'to fold', from diplous 'double'.
