And so now, again, to be in the middle of this snappy generation with a three-and-a-half hour movie that everybody’s talking about, I’m so curious to see how that looks in a few years’ time.
“I haven’t quite worked out how we’ll do it yet,” he says. “Maybe Ed has a plan, he usually does. Perhaps we’ll end up transporting them to the warehouse ourselves. It’ll be a back-of-the-van job — us book-dealers together, eagle-eyed, protecting the books, shotguns at the ready.”
An American flag snaps high above the belching stacks of the brewery, a red-brick and wrought-iron fortress in the historic Soulard neighborhood, where the air is tinged with the smell of yeast.
The Anheuser-Busch dynasty is so ingrained in the identity of St. Louis that people here talk about the Busch family as if they are both royalty and relatives, making references to “Gussie” (August A. Busch Jr.) and “Augie” (August A. Busch III).
verb -pp-
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to move into a position quickly, producing a brief noise as if breaking:
Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.
Simply snap the pieces into place.
2 [I + adverb or preposition] to quickly return to a previous place or condition:
After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again).
make it snappy used to tell someone that you want them to do something immediately and to do it quickly:
I'd like my bill please, waiter, and make it snappy - I've already been waiting half an hour for it.
See also snappy (STYLISH); snappy (EFFECTIVE).
verb [I or T]
to allow air from the stomach to come out noisily through the mouth:
He belched noisily.
FIGURATIVE The exhaust pipe belched out (= produced) dense black smoke.
noun [C]
The baby let out a loud, satisfied belch.
━━ n., v. おくび(を出す), (煙・火を)吐き出す ((out, forth)); 噴出(する); (暴言を)吐く.
提問:"backlash" (激烈的反感等)漏譯。
"ingrained " (根深的)是"一貫以來"嗎?
1 (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change:
Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
The belief that you should own your house is deeply ingrained in British society.
2 Ingrained dirt has got under the surface of something and is difficult to remove:
The oil had become ingrained in his skin.
1 〈偏見・迷信・気性・習慣などが〉深く染み込んだ,しっかり植えつけられた,根深い;生得の,生まれつきの;全くの
An American flag snaps high above the belching stacks of the brewery, a red-brick and wrought-iron fortress in the historic Soulard neighborhood, where the air is tinged with the smell of yeast.
The Anheuser-Busch dynasty is so ingrained in the identity of St. Louis that people here talk about the Busch family as if they are both royalty and relatives, making references to “Gussie” (August A. Busch Jr.) and “Augie” (August A. Busch III).
"'T is not a year or two shews us a man: They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; They eat us hungrily, and when they are full, They belch us."
--Emilia from "The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice" (Act III, Scene IV)
--Emilia from "The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice" (Act III, Scene IV)
at the ready
phrase of ready
prepared or available for immediate use.
"the men walk with their guns at the ready"
phrase of ready
- 1.prepared or available for immediate use."the men walk with their guns at the ready"
verb -pp-
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to move into a position quickly, producing a brief noise as if breaking:
Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.
Simply snap the pieces into place.
2 [I + adverb or preposition] to quickly return to a previous place or condition:
After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again).
make it snappy used to tell someone that you want them to do something immediately and to do it quickly:
I'd like my bill please, waiter, and make it snappy - I've already been waiting half an hour for it.
See also snappy (STYLISH); snappy (EFFECTIVE).
verb [I or T]
to allow air from the stomach to come out noisily through the mouth:
He belched noisily.
FIGURATIVE The exhaust pipe belched out (= produced) dense black smoke.
noun [C]
The baby let out a loud, satisfied belch.
━━ n., v. おくび(を出す), (煙・火を)吐き出す ((out, forth)); 噴出(する); (暴言を)吐く.
Now, the country’s immunization program faces a backlash of public distrust that critics say has been magnified by the government’s ingrained secrecy.
提問:"backlash" (激烈的反感等)漏譯。
"ingrained " (根深的)是"一貫以來"嗎?
1 (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change:
Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
The belief that you should own your house is deeply ingrained in British society.
2 Ingrained dirt has got under the surface of something and is difficult to remove:
The oil had become ingrained in his skin.
1 〈偏見・迷信・気性・習慣などが〉深く染み込んだ,しっかり植えつけられた,根深い;生得の,生まれつきの;全くの
- ingrained
- 根深い迷信
- ingrained
- 身に染みついた習慣
- ingrained stubbornness
- 持ち前の頑固さ.
- 2 〈特に,よごれが〉糸[繊維]の中まで染み込んだ. (また engrained)
- 音節
- báck • làsh
- [名詞]
- 1 反発,(急激な)反動,跳ね返り.
- 2 (社会的・政治的な)激しい反発,反感
- backlash
- (白人の黒人に対する)反発.
- 3 〔機械〕 バックラッシュ.
- (1)(歯車の間の)すき間,あそび.
- (2)(機械の間の)あそび,がた.
- 4 〔釣り〕 (リールの回転が速すぎるために起こる)釣り糸のもつれ.
- ━━ [自動詞]
- 1 激しく反発する;激しい反発をこうむる.
- 2 〔機械〕 あそびをつくる.
- 3 〈リールの釣り糸が〉もつれる.