Japanese swimmer stretchered out
Reuters - USA
By Derek Parr BEIJING (Reuters) - Japanese synchronized swimmer Hiromi Kobayashi suffered breathing difficulties in the team final on Saturday and had to be ...
stretcher-bearer 担架のかつぎ手.
stretcher party 担架をもった救護隊.
In medicine, hyperventilation (or overbreathing) is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than necessary, thereby reducing the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood below normal.[1]
Hyperventilation can, but does not necessarily always cause symptoms such as numbness or tingling in the hands, feet and lips, lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, chest pain, slurred speech and sometimes fainting, particularly when accompanied by the Valsalva maneuver. Sometimes hyperventilation is induced for these same effects.
ESPN - Japanese swimmer collapses in Water Cube pool - Olympics
23 Aug 2008 ... Japanese swimmer collapses in Water Cube pool - Olympics ... The woman hyperventilated because of stress, said Hiroshi Takeuchi, ...Hyperventilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
過度換氣症候群(Hyperventilation syndrome),何謂過度換氣症候群?顧名思義就是呼氣( 吐二氧化碳)、吸氣(吸氧氣)的速率交換太快,造成二氧化碳不斷被 ...
過換気症候群(かかんきしょうこうぐん)とは、精神的な不安によって過呼吸になり、その結果、手足や唇の痺れや動悸、目眩等の症状が引き起こされる心身症の一つである。過呼吸症候群(かこきゅうしょうこうぐん)、また呼吸により血液がアルカリ性に傾くことから呼吸性アルカローシスとも呼ばれる。 一般に過呼吸と称されるものとの違いは原因が「精神的な不安」にあることであり、過呼吸は呼吸を多く必要とする運動の後に起こるという点が異なるが、発症後の症状はほぼ同じである。
- 1.speak (words) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another."he was slurring his words like a drunk"
- 2.Musicperform (a group of two or more notes) legato."I can play it if I don't slur the notes"
- 1.an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."the comments were a slur on staff at the hospital"
- 2.an act of speaking indistinctly so that sounds or words run into one another or a tendency to speak in such a way."there was a trace of a slur in his voice"