Water Willow, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 1871. A portrait of Jane Morris with Kelmscott Manor in the upper left background.
William Morris, the owner of Kelmscott Manor, by letter (c. 1871) to Edward Burne-Jones, describes Kelmscott as: “a beautiful and strangely naif house, Elizabethan in appearance though much later in date, as in that out of the way corner people built Gothic til the beginning or middle of last century.”
Memorials of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, v.2
THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES is here published together with Darwin’s earlier THE VOYAGE OF THE BEAGLE. This 1839 account of the journeys to South America and the Pacific islands that first put Darwin on the track of his remarkable theories derives an added charm from his vivid description of his travels in exotic places and his eye for the piquant detail. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-origin-of-species…/
Olympus Investigation Shows a Caterer With Clout
Two years after admitting to accounting fraud, Olympus, the camera manufacturer, hired its cafeteria operator to handle a dispute with Chinese customs authorities. Soon after, the case was inexplicably dropped.In praise of … old dictionaries
The Guardian (blog)
But what about old dictionaries? Shelved in some dusty corner of the library, they suffer near-universal neglect. Yet antique dictionaries contain a piquant history. The word homosexual doesn't exist in a 1925 English dictionary. By 1962 it's an ...
such a piquancy or ironic,
Warren E. Buffett, known for piquant and unsparing criticism of his own performance, has been uncharacteristically silent on the ratings agencies, including Moody's, in which he owns a minority stake.
Go to Article from The New York Times»
You can’t get better publicity for a book than “Banned in Boston.” But as product endorsements go, “Banned in China” sends a more mixed message, even if it still wins points for piquancy. Seeing this legend on the dust jacket of Yan Lianke’s faux-naif novel, “Serve the People!” — the first of his books to be translated into English — you have to wonder what Chinese officials are banning books for these days.
Set in 1967, near the outset of the Cultural Revolution and at the height of the Maoist cult of personality, “Serve the People!” tells the story of a docile, doctrinaire peasant soldier named Wu Dawang, whose word-perfect memory of Mao’s sayings (coupled with his excellent kitchen skills) leads to a plum job: cook and general orderly for the commander of his military division.
Wu Dawang, Sergeant of the Catering Squad, now General Orderly for the Division Commander and his wife, stood in the doorway to the kitchen, a bunch of pak-choi in hand, acknowledging a devastating new presence in the room.
But businesses still cater to the poor, and do not want to lose customers, even poor ones. And the poorest participants in a market society have more influence over what they receive as consumers than they do as voters.
但企業仍要迎合窮人;它們不希望丟掉客戶,即便是窮 人。市場社會中最貧窮的參與者,對於自己以消費者身份所得到的服務的影響力,要大於他們作為選民的影響力。
Verizon Wireless plans to talk to different hardware manufacturers and the carrier didn't discuss potential pricing plans for the new devices. On the software side, Mr. McAdam said the new model will be "additive" to its current service, and that it will cater to subscribers looking for complete control of their device. "We see an opportunity to tap into a huge development community," Mr. McAdam said.
Industry Caters to Eating at the Wheel 業者滿足開車時用膳的需求
Americans Renew Love for Cars -- Online
Scores of new automotive Web sites are being launched that cater to car enthusiasts, demonstrating that Americans' love affair with cars is alive and well..
A fight between the Rose Group and its Park Avenue neighbors over a special exemption for a liquor license has reached the office of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.
cater to sb/sth phrasal verb
to try to satisfy a need, especially an unpopular or generally unacceptable need:
This legislation simply caters to racism.
cater to:迎合、滿足。例句:Those newspapers cater to the lowest tastes.(那些報紙迎合最下層的趣味。)
verb [I or T]
to provide, and sometimes serve, food:
I'm catering for twelve on Sunday, all the family are coming.
Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?
US Who catered your party?
adjective [before noun]
a high-class catering company
━━ vt. (宴会等の)準備を引き受ける.

to provide what is wanted or needed by someone or something:
The club caters for children between the ages of 4 and 12.
━━ a., n. きちんとした; 秩序をよく守る; 従順な; 行儀のいい; 【軍】伝令[当直]の; 当番兵; 伝令(兵); 病院の雑役夫.or・der・li・ness n.
orderly officer 当直将校.
orderly room 【軍】(兵舎内の)中隊事務室.
Pronunciation: /ˈpiːk(ə)nt, -kɒnt/
Definition of piquant
adjectivepi·quant (pē'kənt, -känt', pē-känt')

- Pleasantly pungent or tart in taste; spicy.
- Appealingly provocative: a piquant wit.
- Charming, interesting, or attractive: a piquant face.
- Archaic. Causing hurt feelings; stinging.
[French, from Old French, present participle of piquer, to prick. See pique.]
piquancy pi'quan·cy or pi'quant·ness n.piquantly pi'quant·ly adv. piquant (INTERESTING)
interesting and exciting, especially because mysterious:
More piquant details of their private life were revealed.
noun [U] SLIGHTLY FORMAL ━━ a. ぴりっとする; きびきびした, すきっとして魅力的な.

showing no kindness and no desire to hide the unpleasant truth:
The documentary went through all the graphic details of the operation in unsparing detail.
unsparing (GENEROUS)
adjective FORMAL
extremely generous with money, time, help, etc:
Last of all, our thanks go to the caterers who have been unsparing in their efforts to make this afternoon such a success.
v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.intr.
- To provide food or entertainment.
- To be particularly attentive or solicitous; minister: The nurses catered to my every need. The legislation catered to various special interest groups.
- To provide food service for: a business that caters banquets and weddings.
- To attend to the wants or needs of.
[From obsolete cater, a buyer of provisions, from Middle English catour, short for acatour, from Norman French, from acater, to buy, from Vulgar Latin *accaptāre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin captāre, to chase; see catch.]
caterer ca'ter·er n.
- 1.naive or ingenuous.
- 1.a naive or ingenuous person.
also faux-naif adj.
Marked by a false show of innocent simplicity: “Their gee-whiz, faux-naif comportment is not always convincing” (Madison Smartt Bell).
[French : faux, false + naïf, naive.]
- (colloquial) until, till quotations ▼
- (archaic) ~ to: as far as; down to; up to, until