2020年1月2日 星期四

【#逐字學英文國際日報】52: distortion, distortionary policies, artistic, artistic license/ poetic license, anachronism,


Joseph Sternberg is speaking up for millennials. A generation’s worth of distortionary policies will hamper the choices and freedom of young people in the future, he says 

The use of out-of-date vaccines displays corruption, lack of supervision, and harmful distortions in China's public-health system 
Chinese parents are anxious about vaccinations. Little wonder, after another scandal

A tiny community of farmers is growing crops for elite chefs who will pay top dollar for exquisite vegetables of many textures and colors. A two-pound box of great lettuce from the farm The Chef's Garden goes for about $24.

Chef's Garden is a farm in Ohio growing vegetables to the specifications of the world's top chefs. It's a place where vegetables are artistic materials painstakingly tended and handled like jewels.

The Antitrust Anachronism
Wall Street Journal
Google has some 65% of the market, Yahoo has less than 20%, and Microsoft has about 10%. Google earned its position by offering a great experience for ...

在文學術語上有人給詩人想像力更大的空間,可以有某種時空上的自由應用,稱為「詩的破格」(poetic license)。
譬如說,杰弗里‧喬叟在<<特洛肋斯與克麗西德>>的「年代誤植」,可以被諒解。此行中的『上帝』即是年代誤植的一例,基督教的出現比特洛亞戰爭晚了一千餘年。((吳芬譯,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1999,p.47))」【順便記下一位翻譯者:「……方重先生於50年代將喬叟的絕大多數作品以散文體翻成中文……」(杰弗里‧喬叟《特洛肋斯與克麗西德》(Troilusand Cressida)吳芬譯,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1999。其中的「譯者序」。p. XII)】

Idioms: poetic license
Also, artistic license. The liberty taken by a writer or artist in deviating from conventional form or fact to achieve an effect.
For example, I've never seen grass or a tree of that color; but that's artistic license. [Late 1700s]

Literary Glossary: Poetic License
Distortions of fact and literary convention made by a writer—not always a poet—for the sake of the effect gained. Poetic license is closely related to the concept of "artistic freedom". An author exercises poetic license by saying that a pile of money "reaches as high as a mountain" when the pile is actually only a foot or two high.

Poetry Glossary: Poetic License
The liberties generally allowable for a poet to take with his subject-matter to achieve a desired effect or with his grammatical construction, etc., to conform to the requirements of rhyme and meter; but in a broader sense, it includes "creative" deviations from historical fact, such as anachronisms.
"西洋文學中有所謂的poetic license,意指詩人、散文作家或其他藝術家,為了讓作品達到理想效果,享有背離常理、常規、常識、邏輯的創作自由。"


施蟄存先生( -2003)曾指出,楊絳先生的『洗澡』,用了些「後世」之語言。譬如說:「……1952年還沒有『胃癌』這個詞,只有『胃潰瘍』、『胃出血』。」;

GDR, German Democratic Republic

"Looking back, I would say that I was practically in exile with the Digedags and the Mosaik comics," said Peter Lang, a former artistic director of the Bethanian art house in Berlin, comics expert and Mosaik collector. "As a kid, it wasn't really clear to me that they didn't have much to do with the world of the GDR."

No hidden agenda
Part of the Mosaik comics' appeal came from characters who spoke without falling into the party propaganda found in other youth magazines.

German Democratic Republic
Official name for the former state of East Germany.

Definition of distortion in English:


Pronunciation: /dɪˈstɔːʃ(ə)n/ 


1The action of distorting or the state of being distorted:the virus causes distortion of the leaves[COUNT NOUN]: deliberate distortions of pitch and timbre
1.1[COUNT NOUN] A distorted form or part:a distortion in the eye’s shape or structure
2The action of giving a misleading account or impression:we’re fed up with the media’s continuing distortion of our issues
3Change in the form of an electrical signal or sound wave during processing.


(ə-năk'rə-nĭz'əm) pronunciation
  1. The representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than chronological, proper, or historical order.
  2. One that is out of its proper or chronological order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time: “A new age had plainly dawned, an age that made the institution of a segregated picnic seem an anachronism” (Henry Louis Gates, Jr.).
[French anachronisme, from New Latin anachronismus, from Late Greek anakhronismos, from anakhronizesthai, to be an anachronism : Greek ana-, ana- + Greek khronizein, to take time (from khronos, time).]
