1.1Leave or cause the occupants to leave (a place of danger):fire alarms forced staff to evacuate the building[NO OBJECT]:nearly five million had to evacuate because of air terror
Late Middle English (in the sense 'clear the contents of'): from Latin evacuat- '(of the bowels) emptied', from the verb evacuare, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out of' + vacuus 'empty'.
1 …を暗くする;〈色を〉薄黒くする, 黒ずませる
The stage was darkened.
2 …をぼんやりさせる, あいまいにする.
3 …を陰うつ[陰気]にする, 〈心を〉暗くする, 憂うつにする.
4 …の目を見えなくする, 視力を奪う.
1 暗くなる;〈色が〉黒ずむ
The sky darkened.
2 ぼんやりしてくる, はっきりしなくなる.
3 〈心が〉(怒りなどで)憂うつ[陰気]になる.
darken a person's door
((ふつう否定文))人の家の敷居をまたぐ, 人の家を訪問する. obnubilate
(ob-NOO-buh-layt, -NYOO-)
verb tr.: To cloud over, obscure, or darken.
From Latin obnubilare (to darken or obscure), from ob- (in the way) +nubilare (to be cloudy), from nubes (cloud). The word nuance is alsoa derivative of nubes.
Usage "In the room which Monsieur [Jacques Parizeau] vacated so suddenly, the 'body odour of race', to quote Montreal poet A.M. Klein, will continue to obnubilate until a window breaks." — Peter Reimann; Monsieur's Lapse; The Globe and Mail (Toronto, Canada); Nov 3, 1995.