2023年5月17日 星期三

look ahead, whiteness, Self-enforcing 自我強化式, WhitenTeeth, 'Whiten' Job Resumes

Ryan Jenq for The New York Times. Prop Stylist: Laura Woolf

Is It Safe to Whiten Your Teeth? And if So, What Works?

There is no cause which unifies Democrats as much as a sense of whiteness unifies today's Trumpian Republican Party

The Republican Party is increasingly unified around whiteness
Identity politics are stronger on the right than the left


Management's job is to look ahead. ( W. Edwards Deming:)

Quote from W. Edwards Deming:
Management's job is to look ahead.

look ahead phrasal verb
to think about what will happen in the future and plan for these events:
We are trying to look ahead and see what our options are.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

 look ahead 前方を見る; 将来のことを考える ((to)).
The noun whitening has one meaning:
Meaning #1: changing to a lighter color
Synonym: lightening


━━ v. 白くする[なる]; 漂白する.
whit・en・er n. 白くする人[もの].
whit・en・ing n. 白くする[なる]こと; 漂白剤; 胡粉(ごふん), 白亜.

  1. 1.
    the property or quality of being white in colour.
    "a landscape dominated by the whiteness of snow"
  2. 2.
    the fact or state of belonging to a human group having light-coloured skin.
    "whiteness was defined as both a racial and a regional characteristic"

self-enforcing agreement is an agreement that is enforced only by the parties to it; no external party can enforce or interfere with the agreement.

Web results

self-enforcing agreement is an agreement that is enforced only by the parties to it; no external party can enforce or interfere with the agreement.
Self-enforcing definition is - containing in itself the authority or means that provide for its enforcement.
