2023年5月17日 星期三

synthetic, nylon, viruses can be synthetized from scratch?

How to Move a Sinking Capital City
Jakarta, like many places, faces an unsustainable future. Indonesia’s president is responding by building a new capital city from scratch.

Ulet Ifansasti for The New York Times

Montana Governor Signs Total Ban of TikTok in the State

The legislation is the most extreme prohibition of the app in the nation and will almost certainly face legal challenges.

synthetic, nylon, viruses can be synthetized from scratch?

Synthetic versions of the deadly virus could help test treatments. But what are the risks when viruses can be synthetized from scratch?Synthetic versions of the deadly virus could help test treatments. But what are the risks when viruses can be synthetized from scratch?


Biologists rush to re-create the China coronavirus from its DNA code

The $330,000 project would mark an important step in effort to develop synthetic meat.

on Page 21:

... the attraction of the rural idyll, above all the incessant criticism of the supposedly synthetic, moneyed world of early eighteenth-century commercialism. In these respects the literary and journalistic ... "

  1. Relating to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis.
  2. Chemistry. Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.
    1. Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived“counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic” (George F. Will).
    2. Prepared or made artificially: synthetic leather. See synonyms at artificial.
  3. Linguistics. Relating to or being a language, such as Latin or Russian, that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships.
  4. Logic & Philosophy. Relating to or being a proposition that attributes to a subject a predicate not inherent in the subject and that does not result in a contradiction if negated.
A synthetic chemical compound or material.
[Greek sunthetikos, skilled in putting together, component, from sunthetos, combined, from suntithenai, to put together. See synthesis.]
synthetically syn·thet'i·cal·ly adv.

Question of the Day:
What is synthetic?
Synthetic refers to any material made from non natural sources. This means that a product such as cloth is made from a chemical source rather than the fibers produced by nature. Cotton, linen, and rubber are natural sources for clothing production. Rayon, nylon, and plastics are chemical compounds which are made from sources that are not produced from the ground. Oil products are particularly of concern simply because of their chemical composition. These products do not decompose because they are chemically produced.

Another definition of synthetic is any product that cannot decompose without chemical help, because of its combined components.

在1938年 Du Pont公司澄清Nylon為一般類產品,而不是傳說中的將New York和 LONdon合併的英美聯合注註冊商標…….


到1980年代 這東西的應用範圍已經非外行人所能了解(日本當然也很強),因為它工業用途(工程塑膠之主角,我們作connectors的廠商用得不少)很廣,並不只是消費產品。

這Nylon是產業史上投資研究發展(R& D)而能有「石破天驚」的特例。

Du Pont公司往後仍有極大規模的Experiment Stations (該公司對研發的稱呼),不過風光不再(我1992年與副董交談過,他搖頭……)

然後,約1995年,DuPont 竟然與英國ICI交換產品,du Pont又成為全球的大型生產廠商。不過公司發現21世紀的總口號應該是:
The Miracles of Science
Better Things for Better Life.

nylon pronunciation

IN BRIEF: A tough, artificial, elastic material.

pronunciation She preferred nylon strings on her guitar.

nylon noun [U] 1938
an artificial substance used especially to make clothes, ropes and brushes:
These covers are 100% nylon.
a nylon shirt/bag
nylons 1940 plural noun OLD-FASHIONED
women's nylon tights or stockings】
n. - 尼龍
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ナイロン, ナイロン製品
adj. - ナイロン製の

Otherwise known as polyamide, nylon is widely used in textiles, carpets, brushes, and, in moulded form, in a variety of products from curtain tracks to engineering components. The first commercial nylon was manufactured in the United States by the Du Pont Company, the result of over ten years of research and development. First used in toothbrushes it was soon used in the manufacture of stockings (1939), selling more than 64 million pairs in the first year of production. It was also exhibited at the Du Pont Pavilion at the New York World's Fair of 1939. After the Second World War it became increasingly widely used in textiles, carpets, and clothing. In the 1960s nylon was used in the manufacture of synthetic turf, first marketed as Astroturf in the USA.
Wikipedia article "Nylon".

這些只不過是20世紀 千兆兆人間相之幾個快照………


(衣服的臆想---李玉瑩 http://udn.com/NEWS/READING/X5/2185111.shtml

小讀者也看到這篇. 當時心裡就懷疑"尼斯"可能是指"蕾絲", 也就是花邊(lace)的音譯. 不過音譯與意譯不必疊用, 蕾絲就不必花邊, 花邊就無需蕾絲.

這個字也可以英法聯軍一番,並說說路易十四和法國Nord-Pas de Calais高級花邊工業的關係.

沒聽說過法國還是那裡的尼斯地方以lace聞名 (不過小讀者不知道的東西當然太多太多了). 但是從文章內在邏輯來看, 那件進口的日本洋裝, 可能不會專精到連花邊都有來歷講究吧.
(「中國大百科全書 紡織」 p.198)
竟反內為外 成為美衣上的主要裝飾
不但知其名 而且至今念念不忘


嗯 她的衣著權威 小讀者絕對信得過

Nylon Taffeta
Taffeta在人造纖維未發明前原是指以天然蠶絲為素材之一種絲織物類名,為一種光亮平滑織物,由平紋或平紋變化組織交織之織品。在中國古代稱為絹,為絲織物之大類名,屬府綢布一種。絹之綢面平整,光澤柔和,質地細緻乾爽。現今Taffeta則音譯 或意譯稱為塔夫塔或塔富綢,素材如用蠶絲silk則稱為Silk taffeta,使用Polyester則稱為Polyester teffeta,使用Nylon則稱為Nylon taffeta,使用Rayon則稱為Rayon taffeta。Taffeta為表面具有晶螢之光澤,因此經緯絲宜使用無捻或低捻之長纖原絲如FDY、FOY等。Taffeta布料可作為內裡、禮服、時裝、滑雪衣、羽絨衣、被套、床罩、絹花、領結、帽花等素材。


Monday, April 27, 2009
Today's Highlights
Nylon Stockings          
Nylon Stockings
Wallace Carothers was the head of the organic chemistry research group at the E.I. du Pont de Nemours Company in Wilmington, DE, that discovered the first synthetic rubber, neoprene. He and his team went on to develop the synthetic polymernylon, which is used in guitar strings, toothbrush bristles, parachutes, carpets, rope, artificial grass and — most famously — women's stockings. In 1936, Carothers became the first industrial chemist to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Wallace Carothers was born on this date in 1896.
"There's so much plastic in this culture that vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic."— Lily Tomlin
