The burrow dug by into the ground of abandoned property on the veld by J.M. Coetzee’s Michael K, as well as the hole dug by Kafka’s burrower in “The Burrow,” are curiously opposite dwellings.
[ MASS NOUN] The fact of living in a particular place:
J.M. Coetzee 筆下的 Michael K 在草原上的廢棄土地上挖的洞穴,以及卡夫卡在《陋居》中的挖洞者挖的洞,都是奇怪的對面住宅。
[大眾名詞] 住在特定地方的事實:
Set in the mid-19th century, the book’s breezy narrative recalls William Goldman’s “The Princess Bride,” but burrows into rural English folklore.
這本書以 19 世紀中葉為背景,輕鬆的敘述讓人想起威廉·戈德曼的《公主新娘》,但又深入英國鄉村民間傳說。
The story unfolds in the village of Wall, a border town that straddles the human world and the realm of Faerie, and follows a besotted young man named Tristran Thorn, who promises to retrieve a fallen star to impress a woman. As with most quests to strange lands, there are complications along the way, but compared to some of Gaiman’s other work, “Stardust” is a light adventure.
- 1.
- 2.ARCHAICintoxicated; drunk.
━━ n. (ウサギなどの)穴, 隠れ穴.
━━ v. 穴を掘る[に住む]; 隠れる; さがす; 探究する.
━━ v. 穴を掘る[に住む]; 隠れる; さがす; 探究する.