金融城市長(The Lord Mayor of the City ofLondon)任期一年,不具有大倫敦市的治權,主要任務為倫敦金融城的金融服務業及貿易推廣等,每年由區內各公會選出後,舉辦慶祝市長就職的遊行活動(Lord Mayor show 錯誤)。
倫敦金融城市長白爾雅(Michael Bear)今晚抵台訪問4天,重點在推廣「低碳經濟」發展,他將在明天以「台灣與英國:攜手合作求成長」為題發表演講。
Lord Mayor's Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]The Lord Mayor's Show is one of the longest established and best known annual events in London which dates back to 1535[1]. The Lord Mayor 基本上是大英國協的制度 in question is that of the City of London, the historic centre of London that is now the metropolis's financial district, informally known as the Square Mile. A new Lord Mayor is appointed every year and the public parade that is made of his inauguration reflects the fact that this was once one of the most prominent offices in England. The ancient position of Lord Mayor of London has a role in the Square Mile, whilst the Mayor of London (which has existed only since 2000) is a different individual entirely, namely the elected head of the Greater London Authority.
The event is a street parade which in its modern form is a fairly light-hearted combination of traditional British pageantry and elements of carnival. On the day after being sworn in, the Lord Mayor and several others participate in a procession from the City of London to the Royal Courts of Justice in the City of Westminster, where the Lord Mayor swears his allegiance to the Crown.
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1 修道院付属の教会堂.
2 大聖堂, 大寺院.