2023年5月17日 星期三

tiptoe, toe to toe, on Tiptoe Over Terror, Tiptoe Into a World of Masks, Gloves and Wary Customers, not tip-toeing around the issue.

The Speaker Gets His Chance to Go Toe-to-Toe With the President

Analysis: Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been buoyed by President Biden’s decision to negotiate more directly with him on the debt ceiling.

John Hudson on Twitter: "Lindsey Graham just noted ...
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4 時間前 — Lindsey Graham just noted Pompeo's determination that China is committing genocide against the Uighurs, and Blinken is not tip-toeing around the issue. Blinken says: “That would be my judgement as well”.
候任國務卿認同蓬佩奧稱新疆為「種族滅絕」 罕有公開讚掦特朗普對華強硬正確】
正值國務卿蓬佩奧在交接前夕破天荒官方定性中共新疆暴行為「種族滅絕」後,國務卿候選人Antony Blinkin在短短數小時後,向國會表示認同其講法,強調「這也是我的判斷」(that would be my judgment as well)。
正當中共幻想新任政府會反對特朗普政策時,Antony Blinkin則罕有地公開讚掦特朗普,認為特朗普選擇對華更強硬的立場,做法正確(I also believe President Trump was right in taking a tougher approach to China)。雖則自己對如何執行有不同看法,但認為特朗普對美國外交政策非常有幫助。

This isn’t something you see in Australia every day!

Businesses Tiptoe Into a World of Masks, Gloves and Wary Customers

Some states have taken tentative steps toward reopening businesses shuttered by the coronavirus. In Georgia, it meant a few residents were out getting haircuts and their tongues pierced.

Choose your policy platform and go toe-to-toe with the party of Clinton or Trump

China and Japan tiptoe into a 'warm spring'
Asia Times Online - Kowloon,Hong Kong By Jing-dong Yuan MONTEREY, California - Chinese President Hu Jintao concluded a five-day visit to Japan... at the weekend. Almost a decade since the last

Germany on Tiptoe Over Terror
Germany on Tiptoe Over Terror
A disrupted terror plot leads to a nationwide sigh of relief and a debate over rights and radicalism.

toe to toe
phrase of toe
  1. 1.
    (of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.
    "there's little skill involved—you just stand toe to toe and hit each other!"

on tiptoe(s) on your toes with the heel of your foot lifted off the ground:小心謹慎
The children stood on tiptoe in order to pick the apples from the tree.
They walked across the room on tiptoe so as not to waken the baby.

verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
He waited until his daughter was asleep, then tiptoed quietly out of the room.
tiptoe round/around sth/sb phrasal verb INFORMAL
to avoid dealing with a difficult subject, problem or person:
Guy keeps tiptoeing round the problem, instead of confronting it.
