2023年5月20日 星期六

"rub up against much greater horrors than I describe.” a high style to describe low things: the whole world of fast food, sex shows, nude mags,

 The tone of these novels was bright, bristling and profane. “What I’ve tried to do is to create a high style to describe low things: the whole world of fast food, sex shows, nude mags,” Mr. Amis told The New York Times Book Review in a 1985 interview. “I’m often accused of concentrating on the pungent, rebarbative side of life in my books, but I feel I’m rather sentimental about it. Anyone who reads the tabloid papers will rub up against much greater horrors than I describe.”

rub someone (or British rub someone up) the wrong way

Irritate or repel someone (as by stroking a cat against the lie of its fur):he had a cold manner that rubbed people the wrong way
