2023年5月25日 星期四

haunt, haunting, elude, nonviolence, invoke, adoring crowds

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Zanny Minton Beddoes

The question of whether Donald Trump could really be America’s next president is one that now comes up in almost every conversation I have with business leaders and politicians. This week our cover package in most of the world explains why the chances of Mr Trump re-entering the Oval Office are uncomfortably high. The accompanying Briefing by Idrees Kahloon, our Washington bureau chief, is a terrific and sobering read that outlines why Ron DeSantis has little chance of winning the Republican nomination.

Chinese money has transformed backpacker haunt Sihanoukville into a gambling boom town with over 30 casinos. But, all that new wealth is eluding local Cambodian businesses - which are being shunted aside. #NewSilkRoad (via CNA Insider)

The Hunt for 'Fire Cats' Amid Northern California Ashes


In a neighborhood razed by fire, a woman is tracking and trapping house cats that fled in October and still elude their owners.

There are few things President Donald J. Trump likes more than adoring crowds.

“We try to learn from everything we do as we launch new opportunities,” said Amazon’s chief financial officer at the time, Thomas J. Szkutak, invoking the positive “learning” spin that technology companies typically put on failed ventures.

By turning rubbish collection into a daily civic duty, Taiwan, an island of 23.5 million, has been remarkably successful at achieving something that eludes most developing nations: The richer Taiwan gets, the less trash it produces, writes GOOD.

Any shortcomings on the part of her husband are not mentioned. She speaks of his loyalty, sensitivity, courage — traits consistent with the Camelot template she had been the first to invoke. She presents herself as adoring, eager for his approval and deeply moved by the man. There is no talk of his extramarital affairs or secret struggle with Addison’s disease, though she does speak in detail about his back pain and the 1954 back surgery that almost killed him.

nonviolence Pronunciation (noun) Peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate.
Synonyms:passive resistance
Usage:Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., were two of the most articulate advocates of nonviolence.

Obama Invokes Gandhi, Whose Ideal Eludes Modern India

Gandhi is revered in India, but his calls for personal austerity and nonviolence have proved antithetical to the goals of an aspiring economic and military power.

  1. 1.
    (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) regularly.
    "a grey lady who haunts the chapel"

  1. 1.
    a place frequented by a specified person.
    "the bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time"

  1. 1.
    love and respect (someone) deeply.

    "he adored his mother"

    synonyms:love dearly, love, be devoted to, dote on, care for, hold dear, cherishtreasureprize, think the world of, set great store by; More
  2. 2.
    worship; venerate.

    "he adored the Sacred Host"


tr.v., e·lud·ed, e·lud·ing, e·ludes.
  1. To evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill: The suspect continues to elude the police.
  2. To escape the understanding or grasp of: a name that has always eluded me; a metaphor that eluded them. See synonyms at escape.
[Latin ēlūdere : ē-, ex-, ex- + lūdere, to play (from lūdus, play).]

  • [invóuk]

1 〈法律の条項・権利・権威などを〉発動する, 行使する;…に訴える;〈主義・名言などを〉引き合いに出す
invoke a veto
invoke Churchill in one's speech
2 …を招来する, 引き起こす, 誘い出す;((非標準))〈気分・イメージなどを〉かき立てる, 呼び覚ます
invoke new problems of management
3 〈神・霊などの助け・加護を〉祈願する;〈神・詩神などに〉祈る
invoke God's help
4 〈救い・援助などを〉請う
invoke a person's aid
5 〈霊などを〉(呪文(じゅもん)・まじないで)呼び出す.
[ラテン語invocāre (in-上に+vocāre呼ぶ=呼びかける→祈願する). △CONVOKE, EVOKE, PROVOKE, VOCATION
