Noah Berger for The New York Times
Going to the Company Elders for Help
Hewlett-Packard is trying to galvanize thousands of its retirees into an auxiliary army of senior marketers, good-will ambassadors and volunteer sales people.
How Ukraine’s Battered Steel Industry Galvanized Its War Effort
Steelworkers have made body armor, helmets and armored plates. Some risked their lives at the beginning of the war to help block the Russian advance.
China’s Seniors, Seeking Retirement Homes, Find Scams Instead
Rooms and beds for retirees are in short supply as the population ages, leaving many vulnerable to companies pitching risky investments.
verb [T] ━━ vt. 流電気を通じる; 活気づける; 電気めっきする. to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way: Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people. The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he immediately set about cleaning the house.
noun [C] US a person who has stopped working: The neighborhood is a mixture of young couples, retirees and single professionals.