Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was born on this day in 1803, provided, for the wild synaptic activity of his poetic protégés, the framework for their own poetry.
How Ralph Waldo Emerson Changed American Poetry
His own verse wasn’t brilliant, but his ideas paved the way for poets of g
The Los Angeles Times leads with the Obama administration announcing a plan to send hundreds of federal agents and intelligence analysts to the country's southern border to help combat Mexican drug-related violence and prevent it from seeping into the United States. It marks "the most determined U.S. effort in years to counter the powerful and dangerous cartels" that are enmeshed in a deadly battle with the Mexican government that has already killed more than 7,000 people over the last 15 months.
(ĭm-)tr.v., -meshed also -meshed, -mesh·ing -mesh·ing, -mesh·es -mesh·es.
To entangle, involve, or catch in or as if in a mesh. See synonyms at catch.
To entangle, involve, or catch in or as if in a mesh. See synonyms at catch.
tr.v., -it·ed, -it·ing, -its.
tr.v., -it·ed, -it·ing, -its.
- To hold back; restrain. See synonyms at restrain.
- To prohibit; forbid.
- Psychology. To suppress or restrain (behavior, an impulse, or a desire) consciously or unconsciously.
- Chemistry. To prevent or decrease the rate of (a reaction).
- Biology. To decrease, limit, or block the action or function of (an enzyme or organ, for example).
[Middle English inhibiten, to forbid, from Latin inhibēre, inhibit-, to restrain, forbid : in-, in; see in–2 + habēre, to hold.]
inhibitable in·hib'it·a·ble adj.inhibitive in·hib'i·tive or in·hib'i·to'ry (-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) adj.
inhibitory postsynaptic potential 【生化】抑制性シナプス後電位 ((略 IPSP)).
synapsenoun- a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
- a junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
(trăm'əl)n. - 拘束, 束縛物, 阻礙物
v. tr. - 拘束, 束縛, 阻礙 ━━ n. 馬かせ ((調教用)); (普通pl.) 束縛, 拘束(物); 魚[鳥]網 三重網(用以捕魚、鳥等之三層曳網,外面兩層為粗網,中間夾一層細網) ; (やかんなどをつるす)自在かぎ; (pl.) だ円コンパス.橢圓規
━━ vt. (〈英〉-ll-) 拘束する; 妨げる.
- A shackle used to teach a horse to amble.
- Something that restricts activity, expression, or progress; a restraint.
Syn.: drag , hobble, curb, inhibition.
Editors discuss their frustrations in the age of refrigerator-magnet journalism.
...articles about kids and their dogs. Instead of standing up for the independence of the editorial process, exempt from every trammel and temptation, editors these days wrangle with marketing directors who say ''the product'' has to be ''more reader...
April 14, 1997 - Business - 884 words-
- A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh.
- An instrument for describing ellipses.
- An instrument for gauging and adjusting parts of a machine; a tram.
- An arrangement of links and a hook in a fireplace for raising and lowering a kettle.
- To enmesh in or as if in a fishing net. See synonyms at hamper1.
- To hinder the activity or free movement of.
[Middle English tramale, a kind of net, from Old French tramail, from Late Latin trēmaculum : Latin trēs, three + Latin macula, mesh.]
這字張瑞麟先生在2005年10月14日的專欄介紹過他的 ※文摘※ 已補中文
Source: William Shakespeare: « Macbeth » Act I. Scene VII
這"馬克白"中文近十本 現在抄錄呂健忠先生以詩體翻譯的 (台北:書林 1999 pp.124-25)
MACBETH. If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly. If the assassination
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch,
With his surcease, success; that but this blow
Might be the be-all and the end-all -here,
But here, upon this bank and shoal of time,
We'ld jump the life to come....
如果幹了就了結 那就該
可以一網打盡後患 伸手
我昨天讀Oxford Companion to Art讀到此字
I gained a certain amount of knowledge and experience by working for the Trammel Crow Company. I learned a lot about how to do business, and deal with other people.
In 1934 Mr. Pepper challenged United States Senator Park Trammel but was defeated in the primary. But the race established him as a strong statewide candidate, and he ran unopposed in a special election in 1936 to finish the term of Senator Duncan U. Fletcher, who had died in office.