2023年5月27日 星期六

untouchable.The devil can quote Scripture for his own ends,

In August, Warren Buffett wrote a New York Times op-ed advocating higher taxes on the rich; last week, the president mentioned Buffett by name while proposing higher tax rates for millionaires—an idea that the administration is calling the “Buffett Rule.” It wasn’t the first time someone has used Buffett’s untouchable reputation for his own ends.


(ŭn-tŭch'ə-bəl) pronunciation
  1. Not to be touched.
  2. Out of reach; unobtainable.
  3. Being beyond the reach of criticism, impeachment, or attack.
  4. Loathsome or unpleasant to the touch.
n. often Untouchable
A member of the class that is excluded from and considered unclean and defiling by the four Hindu castes.

untouchability un·touch'a·bil'i·ty n.
untouchably un·touch'a·bly adv.


The devil can quote Scripture for his own ends

The proverb alludes to the temptation of Christ by the Devil (matthew iv) when the latter quotes a passage from Psalm xci.

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek.
[1596 Shakespeare Merchant of Venice i. iii. 93]
Thus Candour's maxims flow from Rancour's throat, As devils, to serve their purpose, Scripture quote.
[1761 C. Churchill Apology 15]
Is any one surprised at Mr. Jonas making such a reference to such a book for such a purpose? Does any one doubt the old saw that the Devil (being a layman) quotes Scripture for his own ends.
[1843 Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit xi.]
The versatile personage in our popular proverbs, who‥quotes Scripture for his own ends.
[1937 ‘C. Dickson’ Ten Teacups xiii.]
The devil can quote Scripture, as we all know, so why not a politician?
[1997 Washington Times 25 July A4]


  1. 那時,耶穌被聖神領往曠野,為受魔鬼的試探。
  2. 衪四十天四十夜禁食,後來就餓了。
  3. 試探者就前來對衪說:「你若是天主子, 就命這些石頭變成餅吧!
  4. 衪回答說:「經上記載:『人生活不只靠餅,而也靠天主口中所發的一切言語。』」
  5. 那時,魔鬼引衪到了聖城,把衪立在聖殿頂上,
  6. 對衪說:「你若是天主子,就跳下去,因經上記載:『衪為你吩咐了自己的天使,他們要用手托著你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。』」
  7. 耶穌對他說:「經上又記載:『你不可試探上主, 你的天主!』」
  8. 魔鬼又把衪帶到一座極高的山頂上,將世上的一切國度及其榮華指給衪看。
  9. 對衪說:「你若俯伏朝拜我,我必把這一切交給你。 」
  10. 那時,耶穌就對他說:「去吧! 撒殫! 因為經上記載:『你要朝拜上主,你的天主,唯獨事奉衪!』」
  11. 於是魔鬼離開了衪,就有天使前來伺候衪。
