━━ n. 指揮者, 指導者; 重役, 理事; 校長; 【劇】演出家, 監督; (テレビ,ラジオの)制作責任者; 【コンピュータ】(D-) マクロメディア社のオーサリングソフト.di・rec・to・ri・al a. directorの; 指揮[指導]上の.
di・rec・tor・ship n. directorの地位[職,任期].
di・rec・tor・ate , n. directorの職[地位]; 重役[理事]会.
director general (pl. ~or generals, ~ors general) (時にD- G-) 長官, 会長, 総裁, 事務総長.
Director of Public Prosecutions 〔英〕 (the ~) 公訴局長官.
director of studies 〔英〕 教務部長.
日本和中國(後文)的標題不一樣我們除了技術之外 還可以思考原文中的"倫理觀"在此中文中不知如何處理
還可以了解 model base 是 platform 之部分集合.....
對(好談翻譯的) 我而言 一般稱董事為"重役" 不過 Toyota公司稱"役員"
やくいん ―ゐん 2 【役員】
《全体》an officer; an official; the staff.
役員会 the board of directors.
役員室 an executive office.
役員報酬 directors' remuneration; compensation of officials.
The police told Jiangsu Television, a state broadcaster, that Capvision had frequently contacted “secret-related personnel” in the Chinese Communist Party as well as officials in sensitive fields such as defense and science. The authorities accused Capvision of hiring consulting experts “with high remuneration” to “illegally obtain various types of sensitive data,” which they said posed a “major risk and hidden peril to China’s national security.”