2020年1月10日 星期五

riven, hypocritical, sod, cleave, hypocrisy, dichotomy, fanned out, abuses, to hew, take it upon yourself

‘The only reason the Queen and her kin play the role of figureheads to the nation more plausibly than a president created by election or lot is that, as a clan riven by estrangement, multiple divorce, adultery, alcoholism and sporadic psychosis, they exemplify actual family values.’
Glen Newey on the Royal Family, from the archive.

"The pursuit of a mate in the age of Love Island remains riven by many of the same snobberies, cynicism and prejudices that circulated at the Netherfield Ball."

The tragic loss of a Chinese dissident.

Liu’s death holds up a mirror to China’s abuses and western hypocrisy

"The tone of America today feels like America in the late 1960s, which was similarly riven by cyclical violence and discontent. Our elected officials and law enforcement authorities can learn from how their predecessors responded to civil unrest — but mostly by negative example."

How not to handle protests? Look to the 1960s
The recent spate of shootings, rising extremism, protests and counter-protests have left our society on edge. Police brutality against black Americans inspired Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson to murder cops; in St Paul, Minn.,…

The Guardian
"It’d be hell on earth, fueled by the victimization of every imaginable balkanized identity group underserved and unrepresented by a featureless mass-appeal nominee, riven by the sense that every shred of recognizable authenticity has been sold out to a process beyond their control. The only thing that will save it is civil war."

Imagine the possibilities among 50 state Amerivision contestants. Imagine the luxuries of completely insane regional hatred

U.S. Pins Hope on Syrian Rebels With Loyalties All Over the Map


President Obama's determination to train Syrian rebels against ISIS leaves the United States dependent on a diverse group riven by infighting.

Since 2010 or so, the Tea Party, a Republican insurgency, has turned American politics upside down. The movement is central to the conflict that has riven American politics and the difficulty of reforming budgets and immigration laws. Now something similar is happening in Europe. Insurgent parties are on the rise. America's experience of dealing with the Tea Party holds useful lessons http://econ.st/1gDyHTH

As the guests departed, one remained to serve as witness to Rikyū's death. Rikyū's last words, which he wrote down as a death poem, were in verse, addressed to the dagger with which he took his own life:
Welcome to thee,
O sword of eternity!
Through Buddha
And through Daruma alike
Thou hast cleft thy way.[15]
人生七十 力囲希咄 吾這寶剣 祖佛共殺 
提る我得具足の一太刀 今此時ぞ天に拋 [3]

具足(ぐそく)是指全副武裝的盔甲/具足戒梵文उपसंपदा Upasampadā),指佛教信眾在出家加入僧團成為出家眾後,成為比丘比丘尼時所應接受與遵行的戒律,也就是指波羅提木叉。發誓遵守波羅提木叉,是成為僧團成員的先決條件。一般的在家居士,可以依照自己的環境與自我期待,選擇遵守或不遵守某些戒律;但是成為出家眾,就必須要遵守完整的波羅提木叉,故稱為「具足」。接受具足戒之後,正式成為僧團成員,才能被稱為比丘比丘尼

'The Victims' Revolution'

Bruce Bawer argues that the contemporary American university is a place of hypocrisy and fear.

EUGENICS, these days, is a dirty word. But read the name “Huxley” and it is hard to believe there is not something to it. In the 19th century Thomas Henry Huxley was Darwin’s bulldog, biting the ankles of bishops who dared cleave to the literal truth of Genesis.


Rambling I looked for an old abode
Where, years back, one had lived I knew;
Its site a dwelling duly showed,
But it was new.

I went where, not so long ago,
The sod had riven two breasts asunder;
Daisies throve gaily there, as though
No grave were under.

I walked along a terrace where
Loud children gambolled in the sun;
The figure that had once sat there
Was missed by none.

Life laughed and moved on unsubdued,
I saw that Old succumbed to Young:
'Twas well. My too regretful mood
Died on my tongue.

How, one may ask, can he put Hillary — who voted to authorize the Iraq war without even reading the intelligence assessment — in charge of patching up a foreign policy and a world riven by that war?

JONATHAN SPENCE: I would not say this was a Confucian society. I would say it's a society where many more people are reading difficult Confucian texts than were a few years ago. What is the government doing about this? Is it sort of hypocritical or artificial in some way? Maybe it is, maybe it has some connections with a harmonious society. But Confucius lived in a really riven society with extraordinary levels of violence and difficulty in everyday life

China: Hey Washington, Stop Being So Hypocritical

The U.S. State Department released its annual survey of human rights in countries around the world on Thursday, criticizing North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Myanmar and China for their poor records. Now, Chinese officials are striking back. "China accused Washington of hypocrisy on Friday for its criticism of Beijing's restriction on the Internet and dissent, blaming the United States for the financial crisis and saying its own rights record was terrible," Reuters reported. In response to the U.S. State Department report, China's State Council Information Office has put out their own assessment of the U.S. human rights record. China's report is centered largely around the worldwide financial crisis, which it blames in the U.S. "'The United States not only has a terrible domestic human rights record, it is also the main source of many human rights disasters worldwide,' the Chinese report said, according to the official Xinhua news agency," Reuters reported. "Especially a time when the world is suffering serious human rights disasters caused by the global financial crisis sparked by the U.S. sup-prime crisis, the U.S. government has ignored its own grave human rights problems and reveled in accusing other countries."
Read original story in Reuters | Friday, March 12, 2010

Google Street View controversy reveals our hypocrisyTG Daily - USABy Carmi Levy Analyst Opinion – As Google-logoed vehicles carrying spacey-looking cameras on their roofs fan out across the globe to snap comprehensive ...

The dichotomy between what Olympics visitors will see and what residents experience may be most visible in the stadiums once the Games begin. I’ve asked Chinese friends, neighbors and the Olympic volunteers fanned across the capital if they are attending the games. Each has responded no.

Some people have taken it upon themselves to give them a new lease of life. (via Time Out London)

Those iconic red boxes have seen a lot in their time.

U.S. Plan Sees Easing of G.M. to Bankruptcy By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and JONATHAN D. GLATER
The government hopes to avoid court chaos by persuading at least some creditors to agree to a plan that would cleave General Motors into two pieces.

Obama Faces Pitfalls With ‘Surgical’ Tack on Detainees

President Obama faced criticism from the right for his plan to bring terror suspects to prisons on American soil and from the left for hewing too closely to George Bush’s approach.

.on Page 170:
"... the story of the beautiful is already complete-hewn in the marbles of the Parthenon-and broidered, with the birds, upon the fan of Hokusai-at the foot of Fusi-Yama. ..."


这句取自金的演讲的名言,成了整座雕塑的基本精 神。整座雕塑由三块花岗岩组成,而金的雕像,就从中间的那块巨石里刻画出形象。他把双臂盘在胸前,手握一支笔,从巨大的花岗岩中呼之欲出。“这块石头是从 绝望之山里面劈出来的希望之石。绝望之山与希望之石组合在一起,表现一句马丁·路德·金的名言,他说:‘我希望,从绝望之山中间劈出一块希望之石。’”
With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.

OGA, Japan — The Japanese have long taken an easygoing, buffetlike approach to religion, ringing out the old year at Buddhist temples and welcoming the new year, several hours later, at Shinto shrines. Weddings hew to Shinto rituals or, just as easily, to Christian ones.

to accept responsibility for something without being asked to: He took it upon himself to personally thank each person at the meeting. (Definition of “take it upon yourself to do something” from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

take it upon yourself to do something Meaning in the Cambridge ...


verb [T] hewedhewed or hewn
to cut a large piece out of rock, stone or another hard material in a rough way:
The monument was hewn out of the side of a mountain.

v.hewedhewn (hyūn) or hewedhew·inghewsv.tr.
  1. To make or shape with or as if with an ax: hew a path through the underbrush.
  2. To cut down with an ax; fell: hew an oak.
  3. To strike or cut; cleave.
  1. To cut something by repeated blows, as of an ax.
  2. To adhere or conform strictly; hold: hew to the line.
[Middle English hewen, from Old English hēawan.]
hewer hew'er n.



n.pl. -mies.
  1. Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions: “the dichotomy of the one and the many” (Louis Auchincloss).

━━ n. 二分(法); 【生物】二叉(さ)分枝.
 di・chot・o・mize ━━ v. 二分する.
dichotomizing search 【コンピュータ】二分探索.

fanned 像傘形分布

fan out phrasal verb

If a group of people fan out, they move in different directions from a single point.



  • 発音記号[hipɑ'krəsi | -pɔ'k-]
[名][U][C]偽善(的行為);見せかけ, 猫かぶり

sheer hypocrisy
━━ n. 偽善者. hp・o・crit・i・cal ━━ a.


(rīv) pronunciation

v., rived, riv·en (rĭv'ən) also rived, riv·ing, rives. v.tr.
  1. To rend or tear apart.
  2. To break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder.
  3. To break or distress (the spirit, for example).
To be or become split.
[Middle English riven, from Old Norse rīfa.]

sod (GRASS) noun [S]
1 SPECIALIZED a rectangular piece which has been cut from an area of grass:
He worked fast, cutting and slicing the turf neatly, heaving the sod to one side.

2 LITERARY soil or earth:
She sleeps beneath the sod (= She is dead and has been buried).

adjective [after verb] LITERARY
violently divided:
It was a community/nation/family riven by jealousy, hatred and bitterness.


(klēv) pronunciation

v., cleft (klĕft), or cleaved, or clove (klōv), cleft, or cleaved, or clo·ven (klō'vən), cleav·ing, cleaves.
  1. To split with or as if with a sharp instrument. See synonyms at tear1.
  2. To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting: cleave a path through the ice.
  3. To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air.
  4. Chemistry. To split (a complex molecule) into simpler molecules.
  1. Mineralogy. To split or separate, especially along a natural line of division.
  2. To penetrate or pass through something, such as water or air.
[Middle English cleven, from Old English clēofan.]
cleavable cleav'a·ble adj.

cleave2 (klēv) pronunciation
intr.v., cleaved, cleav·ing, cleaves.
  1. To adhere, cling, or stick fast.
  2. To be faithful: cleave to one's principles.
[Middle English cleven, from Old English cleofian.]
