The F.D.A.’s Cancer Chief Discusses 25 Years of Innovation
Cancer death rates have been plunging, and researchers attribute most of that to improved treatments. Overseeing this change at the F.D.A. is Dr. Richard Pazdur.
The F.D.A.’s Cancer Chief Discusses 25 Years of Innovation
Cancer death rates have been plunging, and researchers attribute most of that to improved treatments. Overseeing this change at the F.D.A. is Dr. Richard Pazdur.
Oscars 2023: The (Not Actually Red) Red Carpet Is Underway
In a break with the 62-year tradition of the bright red carpet, the 2023 Academy Awards’ arrival rug is a champagne hue.
In a break with the 62-year tradition of the bright red carpet, the 2023 Academy Awards’ arrival rug is a champagne hue.
The London Library
.#Onthisday, 26th February 1904, #VirginiaWoolf (née Adeline Virginia Stephen) became a life member of The London Library. It was just two days after the funeral of her father Leslie Stephen, who had been Library President since 1892.
Aged 22 at the time, she gave her occupation as "spinster" on her joining form.
an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage.
.#Onthisday, 26th February 1904, #VirginiaWoolf (née Adeline Virginia Stephen) became a life member of The London Library. It was just two days after the funeral of her father Leslie Stephen, who had been Library President since 1892.
Aged 22 at the time, she gave her occupation as "spinster" on her joining form.
Aged 22 at the time, she gave her occupation as "spinster" on her joining form.
an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage.
Spinster - Wikipedia
A term used in previous decades to indicate an unmarried woman who was past the usual or legal age for marrying (and sometimes also considered unlikely to marry), spinster originally referred to a woman whose occupation was to spin. Several dictionaries flag it as a derogatory term.
A term used in previous decades to indicate an unmarried woman who was past the usual or legal age for marrying (and sometimes also considered unlikely to marry), spinster originally referred to a woman whose occupation was to spin. Several dictionaries flag it as a derogatory term.gei・sha
She was about thirty, a born spinster, with a lack of sexuality so total that her smart clothes and too heavy makeup made her pathetic; like an unsuccessful geisha. She hadn't been there, but everybody said so. I reread the advertisement.
她,來自澳洲 成日本首位外籍藝伎
日本傳統的藝伎行業,除了充滿濃濃日本味的古典裝扮之外,更將以客為尊的服務娛樂精神發揮至淋漓盡致,不僅在國內受到尊崇,對於西方人而言更是魅力十足。圖為去年底出道的首位外籍藝伎「紗幸」。 (取自英國「每日電訊報」網站) |
來 自墨爾本的費歐娜‧葛拉姆去年12月穿著所屬「藝伎屋」所提供的2百萬日圓(約台幣60萬)和服,在藝伎活躍的地區-東京淺草正式出道。藝名為「紗幸」的 費歐娜從去年4月開始接受嚴格訓練,內容包括打鼓、茶道、日本舞、交談技巧以及個人才藝。如今,費歐娜每天仍舊苦練竹笛的吹奏技巧,同時忙著穿梭於該區一 百家以上的茶館、餐廳還有資深藝伎的住宅。
在成為「紗幸」之前,費歐娜可說是活躍於學界以及傳播界的才女。費歐娜15歲時以交換學生的身分 來到日本,由於醉心日本文化,便在日本一路唸到慶應大學畢業,取得「心理學」學士學位。她後來還赴英國牛津大學進修,取得MBA經營管理學位,此後還陸續 取得「社會人類學」博士學位以及「經營學」碩士學位。此外,她也曾擔任日本放送協會NHK電視台以及英國廣播公司BBC等電視台的文化紀錄片導演及製作 人,關於日本文化以及民族研究的著作也在國外引發話題。
費歐娜表示:「直到我決定正式出道時,我的老師以及其他資深藝伎對我的態度才出現 180度的轉變。我那時候才成為藝伎世界的一份子,一個『圈內人』。」她還說,非常榮幸能夠成為第一個被藝伎世界接受的西方人。在費歐娜之前,也有西方女 性作家或記者想以親身體驗的方式,向外界介紹這個神秘的行業,不過最後都沒能熬過嚴格的訓練,獲得認同。
hc :「我將Yamada 的 「藝伎」寫成「藝妓」,不知道古文是否相通?
(雖然我們從唐詩中知道這是古字,不過此字中文已劣化 ,心中有牽掛…… )
RE : Obasan :"首次搞懂了 geisha, geito & maiko 的區別。...." 請幫忙解釋一下。」
Obasan 留言:「在東京等關東地區稱為「芸者(げいしゃ,Geisha)」,見習階段稱「半玉」;在京都、大阪等關西地區則稱為「芸妓 (げいこ, Geiko)」,見習階段稱「舞妓(或寫做「舞子」,皆讀做まいこ, Maiko)」。而在明治時期以後,「芸妓(げいぎ, Geigi)」這種讀法越來越普遍,成為現代標準日語讀法。
資料來源 : Wikipedia (如上)
Homepage : %E8%97%9D%E5%A6%93 」
謝謝 Obasan !資料真不錯。
查 goo 辭典:
ぎ 1 【▼妓】 遊女。芸妓。
ぎか 1 【▼妓家】
「芳町(よしちよう) の―に飲む/日乗(荷風)」
「芳町(よしちよう) の―に飲む/日乗(荷風)」
- a colour or shade."the water is the deepest hue of aquamarine"
- the attribute of a colour by virtue of which it is discernible as red, green, etc., and which is dependent on its dominant wavelength and independent of intensity or lightness.
- character or aspect."men of all political hues submerged their feuds"
- 名
- 1. 雌雄性{しゆうせい}、性別{せいべつ}、性の認識{にんしき}、有性{ゆうせい}
- 2. 性的能力{せいてき のうりょく}、性機能{せいきのう}、性的関心{せいてき かんしん}、性欲{せいよく}、性衝動{せい しょうどう}、性行為{せいこうい}、性的耽溺{せいてき たんでき}、性的傾向{せいてき けいこう}、性的指向{せいてき しこう}
- The condition of being characterized and distinguished by sex.
- Concern with or interest in sexual activity.
- Sexual character or potency.