2024年3月22日 星期五

rancid, sour on, disillusioned, illusionist, unease mounting. provides Trump with a potential source of cash to pay his mounting legal bills.

Trump Gets Potential Financial Lifeline as Media Merger Is Approved

The merger of Donald Trump’s social media company with a cash-rich shell company raises his wealth by billions and provides him with a potential source of cash to pay his mounting legal bills.

Martin Amis, Acclaimed Author of Bleakly Comic Novels, Dies at 73

His books redefined British fiction in the 1980s and ’90s. He found more renown as a critic, and a measure of unease as his famous father’s son.

In his first testimony before Congress, Mr. Altman implored lawmakers to regulate artificial intelligence as members of the committee displayed a budding understanding of the technology. The hearing underscored the deep unease felt by technologists and government over A.I.’s potential harms. But that unease did not extend to Mr. Altman, who had a friendly audience in the members of the subcommittee.

Brexit has “emboldened” people to express hostility towards immigrants, says one expert

Poles fear for their children’s safety. Others blame politicians for stirring up…

Dilma Rousseff's Former Supporters in Brazil Express Disillusionment


As the president faces a possible impeachment, working-class people who brought her party to power say they feel abandoned and want a change.

Unease Mounting, China and U.S. to Open Military Talks

With China pressing territorial claims and the United States fortifying its alliances in the region, a day of military talks will precede wider-ranging discussions this week.

Support for Obama Slips; Unease on 2012 Candidates

President Obama’s support is eroding among elements of his base, and Republicans have not coalesced around a candidate, a New York Times/CBS News poll found.

Disillusionment sets in among opposition activists in Egypt

Six months after Hosni Mubarak stepped down as president in Egypt, a sense of unease is setting in among the champions of democracy who overthrew him. The ruling military council is coming under fire.

Berlin Reconciles Itself to Bailouts
Germany's insistence that Ireland, Greece and the euro zone's other fiscally feeble members adopt punishing austerity regimes has fueled concern across Europe that the bloc's biggest member is souring on the euro.

Allen describes how Gates brought in Steve Ballmer, the current boss, and how after returning from fighting Hodgkin's lymphoma he heard the pair trying to reduce his influence – and confronted them about their intentions.

Because of the grease’s rancid odor, most restaurants usually store it out back with the trash.

ùnéase[ùn・éase][名][U]不安, 苦悩, 心痛.

[形](〜・er, 〜・est)
1 〈食べ物などが〉すっぱい(⇔sweet);〈物が〉(発酵して)すっぱくなった, 酸敗臭のある
sour apples
The milk went sour.
for sour apples
2 〈人・表情・言葉などが〉不愉快な, 不機嫌な, 意地の悪い
She is sour on him.
3 ((略式))〈物・事が〉よくない, まずい;〈ガソリンなどが〉硫黄化合物でよごれた
go sour
The project turned [went] sour.
4 〈土地が〉酸性の;不毛の.
1 すっぱい物.
2 ((the 〜))いやなこと, 苦しいこと.
3 [U][C]((米))サワー:ウイスキーやジンにレモンジュースを加えたカクテル.
4 [U]サワー:漂白するのに用いる酸性溶液.
1 〈物が〉すっぱくなる, 酸敗する.
2 〈人が〉気むずかしくなる, ひねくれる, 〈関係などが〉悪化する, 気まずくなる.
1 〈物を〉すっぱくする, 酸敗させる.
2 〈人を〉不愉快にさせる, 〈人・性質などを〉ひねくれさせる, 〈関係などを〉悪化させる, 気まずくする.

sour on ...
(1) 〈…を〉嫌うようになる, 〈…に対する〉熱意を失う, 〈…のことで〉がっかりする.
[sour ... on ...]
Recent events have soured young people on the political system.

adj., sour·er, sour·est.
  1. Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids; sharp, tart, or tangy.
  2. Made acid or rancid by fermentation.
  3. Having the characteristics of fermentation or rancidity; tasting or smelling of decay.
    1. Bad-tempered and morose; peevish: a sour temper.
    2. Displeased with something one formerly admired or liked; disenchanted: sour on ballet.
    1. Not measuring up to the expected or usual ability or quality; bad.
    2. Not having the correct or properly produced pitch: a sour note.
  4. Of or relating to excessively acid soil that is damaging to crops.
  5. Containing excessive sulfur compounds. Used of gasoline.
  1. The sensation of sour taste, one of the four primary tastes.
  2. Something sour.
  3. A mixed drink made especially with whiskey, lemon or lime juice, sugar, and sometimes soda water.
tr. & intr.v., soured, sour·ing, sours.
  1. To make or become sour.
  2. To make or become disagreeable, disillusioned, or disenchanted.
[Middle English, from Old English sūr.]
sourish sour'ish adj.
sourly sour'ly adv.
sourness sour'ness n.
SYNONYMS sour, acid, acidulous, dry, tart. These adjectives mean having a taste like that produced by an acid: sour cider; acid, unripe grapes; an acidulous tomato; dry white wine; tart cherries.

The pigeon had unfortunately gone  rancid.


  • 発音記号[rǽnsid]
1 〈バター・油性食品などが〉(腐りかけて)いやなにおい[味]のする((with ...));〈におい・味が〉むかつくような
a rancid smell of gutters
2 (一般に)不快なにおいを発する.
ran・cid・ness, ran・cíd・i・ty

(dĭs'ĭ-lū'zhən) pronunciation
tr.v., -sioned, -sion·ing, -sions.
To free or deprive of illusion.

  1. The act of disenchanting.
  2. The condition or fact of being disenchanted.
disillusionment dis'il·lu'sion·ment n.
disillusive dis'il·lu'sive (-sĭv, -zĭv) adj.

illusionist (noun) Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience.
Synonyms:conjurer, magician, prestidigitator
Usage:The illusionist snapped his fingers and was suddenly holding a dove, much to the delight of his adoring audience.
