2016年5月12日 星期四

saline, desalination, devil’s bargain

In medicine, saline (also saline solution) is a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl, table salt) in water. It is used to flush wounds and skin abrasions, as eye drops, for intravenous infusion, rinsing contact lenses, nasal irrigation, and a variety of other purposes.

Saline (medicine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


醫學上,生理鹽水(也稱作鹽溶液)指的是消毒過的氯化鈉(NaCl, 更常見的稱法是鹽水)溶液。但其只有使用靜脈注射的時候才是無菌的,其他方式生理鹽水也只是一種鹽水溶液。這種無菌的溶液一般用於靜脈注射,沖洗隱形眼鏡鼻腔沖洗。不同用途的配方中生理鹽水也有不同的使用目的。生理鹽水也在細胞生物學、分子生物學和生物化學實驗中使用。


Desalination or desalinization is a process that removes minerals from saline water. More generally, desalination may also refer to the removal of salts and minerals,[1] as insoil desalination, which also happens to be a major issue for agricultural production.[2]

Non-solar desalination plants are a devil’s bargain; they use power from plants that, in most cases, emit greenhouse gases that worsen the problem of drought.

Solar-powered desalination would be ideal—if only the cost comes down.
