2022年1月28日 星期五

fireplace 壁爐、暖炉, marketplace, fine-but-not-exceptional,

Wonderful to find a group with a shared love of all things Morris. I recently restored this frame for the man himself. He has pride of place in my front room 

Italian white marble fireplace in Cragside house
''Cragside is a Victorian country house near the town of Rothbury in Northumberland, England. It was the home of William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong, founder of the Armstrong Whitworth armaments firm. Built in 1869-1895.
In 1880 Baron Armostrong called upon architect Richard Norman Shaw to transform its house into a state of the art mansion, an elaborate country house in Tudor style , incorporating a science laboratory and a……

拉森最後一個要素是要有一個好的壁爐(fireplace),讓你在寒冷的夜晚,能舒適地靠在沙發上閱讀, 然後在閱讀中沉然入睡,第二天又是一個有精神的寫作天。在台灣,當然少有壁爐,倒是靜音的冷氣機比較重要。所以拉森這要素,如同第一到三要素,屬個人環境 問題,國內作家參考即可。

fine-but-not-exceptional, fireplace

'Stop-Loss': Bringing the War Home on DVD » Bonus Points: DVD Reviews | The extras that come with the "Stop-Loss" DVD transform this fine-but-not-exceptional drama into something worth saluting, writes Jen Chaney.

except  preposition, conjunction not including; but not: The museum is open daily except Monday(s). The government has few options except to keep interest rates high. It's cool and quiet everywhere except in the kitchen. Everyone was there except for Sally. There is nothing to indicate the building's past, except (for) the fireplace. They look very similar except that one is a little taller. excepted  adjective [after noun] FORMAL not included: I can't stand academics - present company excepted (= not including those who are being talked to).

 excepting  preposition, conjunction FORMAL not including: All the people who were on the aircraft have now been identified, excepting one. 

exception  noun [C or U] someone or something that is not included in a rule, group or list or that does not behave in the expected way: Men are usually quite good at map-reading but Tim is the exception. There are exceptions to every rule. I like all kinds of films with the exception of (= but not) horror films. Her books are always entertaining and this one is no exception. You must report here every Tuesday without exception.

 Winter (fireplace), tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis (XIV century) A fireplace is an architectural element consisting of a space designed to contain a fire, generally for heating but sometimes also for cooking. The space where the fire is contained is called a firebox or firepit; a chimney or other flue allows gas and particulate exhaust to escape the building. While most fireplaces are constructed in building interiors, sometimes outdoor fireplaces are created for evening warmth, outdoor cooking or decorative purposes.


  1. An open recess for holding a fire at the base of a chimney; a hearth.
  2. A structure, usually of stone or brick, for holding an outdoor fire.

1 暖炉;炉床.
2 (キャンプ地などの)野外炉.

  1. An open area or square in a town where a public market or sale is set up.
  2. The world of business and commerce.
  3. A situation or place in which values, opinions, and ideas are put forward for debate or recognition: a marketplace for new ideas; the literary marketplace.

[名]((通例the 〜))
1 (屋外)市場(いちば).
2 (アイデア・思想・芸術作品などの)売り込み市場.
3 商業[実業, 財]界.
