2024年11月17日 星期日

ascendancy, ascent, descent, three estates of the realm. the ascendancy of social platforms for the right. That puts Democrats at a disadvantage.

Liberals Are Left Out in the Cold as Social Media Veers Right

If the election underscored anything about the internet, it was the ascendancy of social platforms for the right. That puts Democrats at a disadvantage.

the three estates of the realm


譬如說第40頁A Satire of the Three Estates 應該是

4 ((古))(政治・社会上の)身分, 階級
the three estates of the realm
(封 建時代のフランスなどの)聖職者(clergy)・貴族(nobles)・平民(commons)の三身分;(英国で)上院の主教議員(Lords Spiritual)・貴族議員(Lords Temporal)・下院議員(Commons)の三身分(▼国王・上院・下院や聖職者・貴族・選挙人の意で用いることもある).

非"現世/心靈 勳爵"等

The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theat...

'Right Is Wrong'

Reviewed by JACK SHAFER

Arianna Huffington blames the Democratic Party and the press for the Republican ascendancy.


Inspired Minds: One-to-One with Author A S Greer

Greer's "The Confessions of Max Tivoli," was named a best book of 2004 by
the San Francisco Chronicle and the Chicago Tribune - while his latest book
"The Story of a Marriage" has been described by The New York Times as
ascending to the heights of masters.

The DW-WORLD Article

Wilson sometimes spoke of himself as a journalist, citing as his heroes and predecessors the likes of De Quincey, Poe and Shaw, but this was mainly a way of establishing his distance from whatever school of literary criticism happened to be in the ascendancy. We can call him a man of letters who was primarily a literary critic, with a special bias toward history and biography. Or, perhaps more simply, a critic of history.

布羅諾斯基《文明的躍升》給我們的啟示是:人類過去的成就雖然很重要,但它必須受到無數 ...

The Ascent of Man (1974) by Wikipedia article "Jacob Bronowski".

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World


Niall Ferguson traces the historical evolution of the financial system, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls "Planet Finance." In doing so, he reveals financial history as the essential backstory behind all history, from the civilization of the Renaissance to the origins of the French Revolution. Ferguson elucidates key financial institutions and concepts by showing where they came from. What is money? What do banks do? What's the difference between a stock and a bond? Why buy insurance or real estate? And how exactly do hedge funds make (and lose) money? This is history for the present, providing an invaluable long-term perspective on the current global "descent of money."

descend (NEGATIVE MOOD) 
1 If a negative or bad feeling descends, it is felt everywhere in a place or by everyone at the same time:
A feeling of despair descended (on us) as we realized that we were completely lost.

2 If a condition, usually a negative condition, descends, it quickly develops in every part of a place:
Silence descended on the room/over the countryside.

noun [S or U]
a change in someone's behaviour, or in a situation, from good to bad:
His descent into crime was rapid.


━━ n. 上昇, 登ること, 登山, 登り坂[道]; 昇降; 騰貴; 源への遡及(そきゅう).


━━ v. 上がる, 昇る; 登る; 上り坂になる; (時代が)さかのぼる.
ascend the throne 王位につく.
as・cend・ance, as・cend・ence, as・cend・an・cy, as・cend・en・cy ━━ n. 優勢, 優越, 優位, 主権 ((over)).
as・cend・ant, as・cend・ent ━━ a., n. 上昇する; 優勢な, 優越している; 優位, 勢力.
in the ascendant 日の出の勢いで.
as・cend・er ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】上方突出部, アセンダ ((b,d,hなどの小文字で,a,c,eなどよりも上に出る部分;その部分を持つ活字)).
as・cend・ing ━━ a.
ascending order 【コンピュータ】昇順.
