2023年6月25日 星期日

fluid, mobility, aside, YMS, syringe, au pair, gender-fluid, vapor lock, a fluid new age

Apple is changing its syringe emoji to remove the dripping blood, as it becomes widely used to talk about the Covid-19 vaccine.💉😷❌🩸

The Economist’s 1843 magazine reviews “Transangelic Exodus”, a new record by Ezra Furman that explores identity politics with pop melodies that burst with vitality. Plus new work by the bad boy of opera

Ezra Furman has made an album for our gender-fluid times
The best new music, reviewed



"Where you grow up matters. There is tremendous variation across the U.S. in the extent to which kids can rise out of poverty."
NATHANIEL HENDREN, a Harvard economist and co-author of a study on income mobility.

Facebook Aside, Market for I.P.O.'s Stays Cool It will take more than Facebook to heat up the tepid market for initial public offerings.

Going to study or a going to work for as an au pair

Beware leadership by syringe

Sci-Tech Dictionary:

vapor lock

(′vā·pər ′läk) (fluid mechanics) Interruption of the flow of fuel in a gasoline engine caused by formation of vapor or gas bubbles in the fuel-feeding system. 天氣太熱石油蒸發 無法發動


(sə-rĭnj', sîr'ĭnjpronunciation
  1. A medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or draw them from it.
  2. A hypodermic syringe.
[Middle English syryng, from Medieval Latin s[ymacr]ringa, from Late Latin, injection, from Greek sūrinx, sūring-, shepherd's pipe.]
n. - 注射器, 皮下注射器
v. tr. - 注射, 洗滌

au pairʊ ˈpɛə;French o pɛr)


    1. a young foreigner, usually a girl, who undertakes housework in exchange for board and lodging, esp in order to learn the language
    2. ((as modifier) an au pair girl
  1. a young person who lives temporarily with a family abroad in exchange for a reciprocal arrangement with his or her own family


  1. (intr) to work as an au pair


  1. as an au pair she worked au pair in Greece

Word Origin

C20: from French: on an equal footing


(ə-sīd') pronunciation

  1. To or toward the side: step aside.
  2. Out of one's thoughts or mind: put my doubts aside.
  3. Apart: a day set aside for relaxing.
  4. In reserve; away: put a little money aside.
  5. Set out of the way; dispensed with: All joking aside, can you swim 15 miles?
  1. A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by the other actors on stage.
  2. A remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to others nearby.
  3. A parenthetical departure; a digression.

Tier 5 Visa - Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS)
www.globalvisas.com › UK Visa - 頁庫存檔 -

The Youth Mobility Scheme or YMS is a cultural exchange scheme, apply for this program here.

青年交流計畫(YMS)達成協議,從101年1月1日起,從明年 1月1日 開始,英國每年提供1000 個名額的多次入境簽證,讓台灣18歲到30歲青年到英國打工度假,或是全時工作,從事自費遊學。

Managing a fluid project team

For a variety of good reasons, team members often must come and go. How can companies get the most out of teams under unstable conditions? Here's a look at the most common problems that teams with fluid membership encounter—and the best ways to solve them. Read more »Google(谷歌)併購摩托羅拉行動(Motorola Mobility)的新聞,有如一紙號召綠林好漢的起義書,正...


Pronunciation: /məʊˈbɪləti/
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[mass noun]
  • the ability to move or be moved freely and easily:this exercise helps retain mobility in the damaged joints
  • the ability to move between different levels in society or employment:industrialization would open up increasing chances of social mobility


  • 発音記号[moubíləti]

1 動きやすさ, 移動性, 可動性;機動性;変動性;流動性.
2 《社会》社会的流動[移動]性.
3 移り気.

mobílity allòwance [mobílity allòwance]



A continuous, amorphous substance whose molecules move freely past one another and that has the tendency to assume the shape of its container; a liquid or gas.

adj.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fluid.Readily reshaped; pliable.Smooth and flowing; graceful: the fluid motion of a cat.
Changing or tending to change; variable: a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty.
Characterized by or allowing social mobility: a fluid society.
Convertible into cash: fluid assets.

[From Middle English, flowing, from Old French fluide, from Latin fluidus, from fluere, to flow.]fluidity flu·id'i·ty (-ĭd'ĭ-tē) or flu'id·ness n.
fluidly flu'id·ly adv.
