Here’s a Thing: The President Can Text Everyone in the U.S. at Any Time
In a semiregular video series, Christopher Mims looks at fun facts from our tech-enabled world
Kings ought never to be seen upon the stage. In the abstract, they are very disagreeable characters: it is only while living that they are 'the best of kings'. It is their power, their splendour, it is the apprehension of the personal consequences of their favour or their hatred that dazzles the imagination and suspends the judgement of their favourites or their vassals; but death cancels the bond of allegiance and of interest; and seen AS THEY WERE, their power and their pretensions look monstrous and ridiculous.
In the abstract
: without referring to a specific person, object, or event : in a general way
thinking about freedom in the abstract
Pronunciation: /θɪŋ
Definition of thing in English:
2An inanimate material object as distinct from a livingsentient being:I’m not a thing, not a work of art to be cherished
3.1(things) Circumstances or matters that areunspecified:things haven’t gone entirely to planhow are things with you?
3.2An abstract entity, quality, or concept:mourning and depression are not the same thingthey had one thing in common—they were men of action
3.4[ WITH ADJECTIVE OR NOUN MODIFIER] informal A situationor activity of a specified type or quality:your being here is just a friendship thing, OK?
3.6informal An established or genuine phenomenonor practice (typically used in expressionsregistering surprise or incredulity):according to media reports, sleep texting is nowa thing among serious smartphone addictshe looks like he’s wearing boxers underneath histrunks (is that a thing?)
4.1What is socially acceptable or fashionable:it wouldn’t be quite the thing to go to a royalgarden party in wellies