2024年11月21日 星期四

unsubtle, ascribe, ascribe sth to sth. Automakers to Trump: Please Require Us to Sell Electric Vehicles. almost certainly require more subtle and sophisticated uses of force and coercive diplomacy than the isolationist Trump ever contemplated

In short, a lot of bright red lines have been crossed since Trump occupied the big White House. And restoring them, and “making America great again,” will almost certainly require more subtle and sophisticated uses of force and coercive diplomacy than the isolationist Trump ever contemplated in his first administration or suggested in his campaigns.

"A shriveled tangerine covered in golden retriever hair filled with bile that I wouldn't leave alone with the woman I love."
facebook:"一個又橘子全身金毛尋回犬頭髮充滿膽汁, 我不會離開一個人, 與我愛的女人."
Google: “一個枯萎的橘子蓋著金毛獵犬的頭髮充滿膽汁,我不會孤單與我愛的女人。

Barack Obama and Stephen Colbert Unsubtly Burn Donald Trump on The Late Show
Comparisons to a shriveled tangerine are only the start of it.

An articulate community, liberal in the United States, social

democratic or socialist in Europe and Japan, does ascribe economic or

other motive to the interest-serving view. This can be quite wrong.

What rewards particular interest may reflect only a normal tendency to

self-benefiting expression and action.


To commence the design of the sample, we ascribe to each factory a number of sampling units, which will be approximately but not necessarily equal to the number of ..."

on Page 219: "... Census-figures desirable but not necessary. If there are no figures from the Census for the areas in a frame, we ascribe to each area, by our best judgment, some number of sampling units. ..."



adjectivesubtler, subtlest.
thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor.
fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand:
subtle irony.
delicate or faint and mysterious:
a subtle smile.
requiring mental acuteness, penetration, or discernment:
a subtle philosophy.
characterized by mental acuteness or penetration:
a subtle understanding.
cunning, wily, or crafty:
a subtle liar.
insidious in operation:
subtle poison.
skillful, clever, or ingenious:
a subtle painter.

tr.v., -cribed, -crib·ing, -cribes.
  1. To attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin: "Other people ascribe his exclusion from the canon to an unsubtle form of racism" (Daniel Pinchbeck). See synonyms at attribute.
  2. To assign as a quality or characteristic: was quick to ascribe jealousy to her critics.
[Middle English ascriben, from Old French ascrivre, from Latin ascrībere : ad-, ad- + scrībere, to write.]
ascribable a·scrib'a·ble adj.

ascribe sth to sth (CAUSE) phrasal verb FORMAL
to believe or say that something is caused by something else:
To what do you ascribe your phenomenal success?

ascribe sth to sb/sth (QUALITY) phrasal verb FORMAL
to believe that someone or something has a particular quality:
People like to ascribe human feelings to animals.

ascribe sth to sb (CREATION) phrasal verb FORMAL
to believe that something was said, written or created by a particular person:
After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.


━━ vt. (に)帰する, (の)せいにする ((to)).
as・crib・a・ble ━━ a. (に)帰せられる, による ((to)).
as・cribed ━━ a. 生来の.
ascribed status 生得的地位 ((性別・人種などの生まれつきの条件に基づく社会的地位)).
 ━━ n. 帰すること, 理由づけ; 頌(しょう)栄.
