2024年3月22日 星期五

Killer drones. delivery drone, ungrateful, grateful, pesticide, missiles, well-aimed stone.Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified. Launches Large Wave of Drones. As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality,

Trump Told Pence Certifying Election Would Be ‘Career Killer,’ Valet Testified

Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the ...
The Economist
https://www.economist.com › leaders › 2024/02/08 › ki...

Feb 8, 2024 — In Yemen the Houthi rebel group has used cheap Iranian guidance kits to build anti-ship missiles that are posing a deadly threat to commercial ...
Nov 21, 2023 — As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality, Nations Debate Limits. Worried about the risks of robot warfare, some countries want new legal ...

2023 0508

Missiles such as a well-aimed stone or baseball could bring down a parcel drone in flight Parcel drones fly low, making them vulnerable to hijacking


Delivery drones may need to learn self-defence
Parcel drones fly low, making them vulnerable to hijacking
Drones can survey sites for a third of the price of a satellite—and up to 15 times the resolution

A missile strike from a U.S. drone in Yemen was aimed at killing Anwar al Awlaki, the radical American-born cleric, U.S. officials said.

Next generation drones promise to slash farmers' pesticide use

Engineers at Berlin’s Humboldt University are working on a type of
helicopter drone to help farmers cut back on their use of pesticides and

The DW-WORLD Article

The LAT leads with word that the military is shifting some of its Predator drone aircraft away from hunting al-Qaida operatives toward tracking the Taliban and aiding the general war effort in Afghanistan. The scarce drones are one of the military's "most precious intelligence assets," and the increased focus on the Taliban shows how U.S. officials now believe that the best way to beat al-Qaida is stabilizing Afghanistan and Pakistan rather than hunting down individuals, although that will also continue.
5 Years After It Halted Weapons Programs, Libya Sees the U.S. as Ungrateful By MICHAEL SLACKMAN
Libyan officials insist that Washington has done too little to reward the country for giving up its nuclear and chemical weapons programs in late 2003.

His ads, for everything from Schweppes to Rolls-Royce, helped start the creative revolution of the 1960's. The ads were in marked contrast to the droning, repetitious style of those they supplanted.

As always, the government is running under a tight budget. Instead of just droning on about the importance of education, the government must steadily increase its investment in education.
--The Asahi Shimbun, July 2(IHT/Asahi: July 3,2008)

So what does he like? The cool sound of US hip hopper Busta Rhymes. But what makes the girls of Debbie rockt! rock? RX Queen by the California band Deftones has a drone that drummer Tan couldn't get out of her head until she got it right. And we have our own vote for favorite song du jour.
The Gipper 雷根總統別號 as Diarist
Anyone hungering for historical disclosure and nuance in Ronald Reagan’s presidential diaries will have to settle for a prosaic and amiably unrevealing drone.


(drōn) pronunciation

v., droned, dron·ing, drones. v.intr.
  1. To make a continuous low dull humming sound: “Somewhere an electric fan droned without end” (William Styron).
  2. To speak in a monotonous tone: The lecturer droned on for hours.
  3. To pass or act in a monotonous way.
To utter in a monotonous low tone: “The mosquitoes droned their angry chant” (W. Somerset Maugham).
  1. A continuous low humming or buzzing sound.
  2. Music.
    1. Any of the pipes of a bagpipe that lack finger holes and produce a single tone.
    2. A long sustained tone.
    3. Any of various instruments that produce only a constant pitch.
[From DRONE1 (from the bee's humming sound).]

drone Show phonetics
verb [I]
An airplane droned in the background.

n.a vehicle designed to be remotely controlled during operations on land or sea or in the air. See also remotely piloted vehicle; unmanned aerial vehicle.

Munich Robot Digitizes Priceless Books

The pages of a book
The Bavarian State Library now has its own book drone: a robot that is to scan around 37,000 antique works in the next two years. »

; (バグパイプの)ドローン管.
━━ v. ぶーんという (buzz); ものうげ[単調]な声で話す; なまける.
drone ━━ n. 【虫】ミツバチの雄(蜂) ; なまけ者 (idler); (ハチ・飛行機の)ぶーん(といううなり); 低いけだるい[単調な]音, ものうげで単調な話しぶり[説教,話し手など];

noun [S]
a low continuous noise which does not change its note:
the drone of an engine
Outside the tent I could hear the constant drone of insects.
The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy.

showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person:
I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.
If you could get that report finished by Thursday I'd be very grateful.
After the earthquake we felt grateful to be alive.
I'm just grateful that I'm not still working for him.
FORMAL I would be most grateful if you would send me the book immediately.
NOTE: The opposite is ungrateful.

She smiled at me gratefully.pes·ti·cide (pĕs'tĭ-sīd') pronunciation
A chemical used to kill pests, especially insects.

pesticidal pes'ti·cid'al (-sīd'l) adj.
