2025年1月20日 星期一

atrocities, about a South Korean massacre, delves into why atrocities must be remembered. self-respecting, on the ground, be thin on the ground, thin air.stating that panelists at an event “minimized the atrocities committed by Hamas.

A Nobel Laureate Who Mines Her Country’s Nightmares, and Her Own

Han Kang’s latest novel, about a South Korean massacre, delves into why atrocities must be remembered.

One recent complaint against American University includes an example of a student who said that she overheard suite mates “accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians.” In November, his center filed a complaint against Wellesley College, stating that panelists at an event “minimized the atrocities committed by Hamas.”

Prosecutors investigate Praljak's courtroom death at The Hague

Examiners have found traces of a "lethal chemical product" in the bottle
Slobodan Praljak drank from. The war criminal died after a tribunal
rejected his appeal of the 20-year sentence given to him for atrocities.

Bill Gates
This report confirms what I’ve seen on the ground.

Africans are optimistic about the future of their countries: http://b-gat.es/1G10rNi

The Paris Review
The illustrated “Titus Andronicus.”

Vengeance, Death, Blood, and Revenge

“Titus Andronicus” is a hideous play. Harold Bloom called it “a poetic atrocity”; Samuel Johnson refused to believe that Shakespeare was its author.

Don't Ignore Race in Christopher Lane's Murder
The association of young black men with violence doesn't come out of thin air, argues John McWhorter

Former Liberian President Convicted of War Crimes
By MARLISE SIMONS 4 minutes ago
Charles G. Taylor, the former president of Liberia and once a powerful warlord, was convicted on Thursday of aiding militias that committed atrocities against civilians in Sierra Leone.

In Libya, Massacre Site Is Cleaned Up, Not Investigated

Throughout the conflict, the country's interim leaders have shown themselves to be unwilling or incapable of looking into accusations of atrocities by their fighters, including an apparent recent massacre.

Four Companies that Conquered America

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5907.htmlAny self-respecting global company needs to compete in the United States, but many have floundered on its shores. Professor John Quelch spotlights the strategies of four that succeeded: Royal Bank of Scotland, IKEA, ING, and Dyson.

noun [U]
respect for yourself which shows that you value yourself:
He felt what he was being asked to do took away his dignity and self-respect.


He felt [what he was being asked to do] took away his dignity and self-respect.

adjective [before noun]
No self-respecting government would allow such atrocities to be carried out in its name.

thin air

used to refer to the state of being invisible or nonexistent: 
she just vanished into thin air 
they seemed to pluck numbers out of thin air


  • 発音記号[ətrɑ'səti | ətrɔ's-]
1 [U]極悪非道, 残忍性.
2 残虐行為, 極悪非道なもの[事]
commit wartime atrocities
3 ((略式))まったくひどい[話にならない, 趣味の悪い]しろもの.

《中英對照讀新聞》Textbook sheds light on Khmer Rouge era教科書闡明赤柬時代史實

Textbook sheds light on Khmer Rouge era
Three decades have passed since the fall of the Khmer Rouge government. Yet only now are Cambodian schoolchildren finally starting to learn about what happened during the Pol Pot era.
As many as two million people died in the late 1970s from forced labour, malnutrition and the summary execution of so-called "enemies of the revolution".
But official information has been thin on the ground. Until now the official school text contained a mere five lines on the Pol Pot era.
Khamboly Dy has expanded that paragraph to an entire textbook for the Documentation Centre of Cambodia, an organisation which gathers evidence about Khmer Rouge atrocities.
作者Khamboly Dy則把那一段話擴大成替柬埔寨史料中心所寫作的一整本教科書,該組織專門蒐集有關赤柬政權暴行的證據。
"After the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia was so damaged and fragile - like broken glass," he says. "The young generation has the responsibility to repair this broken glass. They need to understand what happened in their country before they can move forward to build up democracy, peace and reconciliation.
cast/shed/throw light on sth:對某事提出解釋或說明、啟發,如Let’s see if she can throw any light on this question.(看看她能否對這個問題提出任何解釋。)
summary:形容詞,指即時的、草率的、即決的,如summary arrest(當場逮捕),summary dismissal(即決解僱),summary execution尤指未經法庭合法程序審理、立即處決人犯。
be thin on the ground:片語(常見於英國與澳洲英語),指某事或某人數量不多、少見,如Bears are getting rather thin on the ground in European forests.(歐洲森林裡的熊數量愈來愈少了。)

on the ground
phrase of ground
  1. 1.
    in a place where real, practical work is done.
    "the troops on the ground are cynical"

be thin on the ground (British & Australian)
if things or people are thin on the ground, there are not many of them Bears are getting rather thin on the ground in European forests. I get the impression work is a bit thin on the ground at the moment. (British & Australian)
