2019年12月13日 星期五

establishment, war-tested, redraw lines / the U.K. political map, realignment of British politics.

Boris Johnson’s sweeping victory points to a realignment of British politics. But will it last? Our special election issue is now available https://econ.st/2Pi65J0

BREAKING: Boris Johnson wins a decisive majority in an election that redraws the U.K. political map and puts him on track to deliver Brexit.

Libya’s War-Tested Women Redraw Lines

The Libyan rebels’ unlikely victory over Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi has put a traditional society’s women into roles they never would have previously imagined.

As Perry Rises, G.O.P. Elite Look Toward Romney

The rising presidential candidacy of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is exciting many Republican voters but creating unease in some quarters of the party’s establishment.

  • [istǽbliʃmənt]
1 [U]設立, 創設, 確立, 制定;立証
the establishment of a new university
establishment of diplomatic relations
2 ((形式))設立[確立, 立証]されたもの;制度, 秩序;((the 〜))((集合的))((単数・複数扱い))…界, 体制, (学校・病院などの)社会的機関, 公共施設
an educational establishment
a financial establishment
the military establishment
軍事体制, 軍部
the medical establishment
3 ((the E-))((集合的))((単数・複数扱い))(既成の)権力機構, 体制;エスタブリッシュメント, 体制派, 支配者層. ▼しばしば侮辱的に用いる
The Establishment usually resists new ideas.
4 (家具・土地・使用人などを含む)住居, 家, 世帯.
5 (従業員・商品・設備などを含む)事業所, 店舗, 食堂, ホテル.
6 [U](官庁・会社・軍隊の)常備編制, 常置人員
the peace [the war] establishment
7 ((the 〜))国教会;(特に)英国国教会, スコットランド長老派教会;[U](教会を)国教会にすること.
