An exonym or xenonym is an external name for a geographical place, a group of people, an individual person, or a language or dialect. It is a common name used only outside the place, group, or linguistic community in question. An endonym or autonym is an internal name for a geographical place, a group of people, or a language or dialect. It is a common name used only inside the place, group, or linguistic community in question; it is their name for themselves, self-designated, their homeland, or their language.
外名(がいめい、英: exonym)とは、第三者による特定の土地・民族の呼称のこと。対義語は内名(ないめい、endonym/autonym)
Exonyms may derive from different roots, as in the case of Germany for Deutschland, or they may be cognate words which have diverged in pronunciation or orthography, or they may be fully or partially translated (a calque) from the native language. For example, London (originally Latin Londinium) is known by the cognate exonyms Londres in Catalan, Filipino, French, Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish; Londino (Λονδίνο) in Greek; Londen in Dutch; Londra in Italian, Maltese, Romanian, Sardinian and Turkish; Londër in Albanian; Londýn in Czech and Slovak; Londyn in Polish; Lundúnir in Icelandic; Lontoo in Finnish; Landan in Persian.
ロンドンを英語・ドイツ語ではLondon 、ポルトガル語・スペイン語・フランス語ではLondres(ポルトガル語・スペイン語では「ロンドレス」、フランス語では「ロンドル」と発音は異なる) 、イタリア語ではLondraと呼ぶ、など)もある。