Americans will spend a record amount of money this Cyber Monday following an already record-breaking Black Friday and Thanksgiving, according to sales reports
His record-breaking transfer to Real Madrid has been the major talking
point in the world of football for over a week now.
Google Expected to Surpass Facebook in Display-Ad Sales
Google is expected to surpass rival Facebook in selling online "display" advertisements in the U.S. this year, according to a new estimate by research firm eMarketer.
China Sells New and Improved Russian Fighter Jets
The PRC used to look to Russia for its military technology. Now, the student may surpass the master.
Picasso is unsurpassed.
Gold Above $1,500
A weaker dollar boosted gold's record-breaking rally, lifting prices firmly above the $1,500 level, while silver futures were at a record.
Overheard: Grinding GE's Gears
General Electric has suffered some indignities in recent years. But suggesting the venerable industrial giant can't design a decent gearbox must beat all, especially when the idea comes from a company with a market capitalization just 0.1% of GE's.
In March 2009, A-Power Energy Generation Systems, a Nasdaq-listed Chinese manufacturer, signed a deal with GE to make gearboxes for wind turbines in China. By early this month, Raymond James analyst Pavel Molchanov suspected the deal was dead. When he asked about it on A-Power's third-quarter call, the company responded, via an interpreter, that GE had been unable to satisfy its design requirements. This "defies logic," says Mr. Molchanov. Indeed, on Tuesday, A-Power retracted its statements and said it had "no questions regarding the ability of GE to produce high-quality wind turbine gearboxes." For GE, that must be a load off.
beat all
Surpass anything, especially in a strange or amazing way, as in Adam and his cousin Eve eloped--doesn't that beat all! This phrase appears to have replaced beat the Dutch. It is often used in a negative construction, as in the example. [Slang; first half of 1800s] Also see to beat the band.
Big Money Sweeps Through Soccer Real Madrid agreed to acquire Cristiano Ronaldo, considered one of the world's best soccer players, for a record $131 million transfer fee.
n. - 記錄, 記載, 成績, 履歷, 經歷, 前科記錄
v. tr. - 記錄, 將...錄音, 標明
v. intr. - 錄音, 被錄音
- bear record to 給...作證
- for the record 供記錄在案的
- go on record 公開表明觀點, 被記錄下
- off the record 非正式地, 不可引用地
- record player 電唱機
- recorded delivery 有回執的郵遞
1 [III[名]/wh-節/wh- to do]…をしるす, 記録[記載]する, 書き留める;…を(正式に)記録に残す;〈証書・抵当などを〉登録[登記]する
I recorded it in my diary.
It is not recorded how many people died in the war.
The trade journals record that recession is disappearing slowly.
2 〈温度計・地震計などが〉…を表示[記録]する, 示す
The thermometer recorded 90 °F.
3 (記録されることを予測しながら)述べる, 陳述する
record one's objections in a courtroom
4 〈文献などが〉…を伝えている, 物語る, 告げる
The book records the exciting exploits of the hero.
5 …を録音[録画]する;…をレコーディングする.
━━[名] 〔rék
rd | -k

1 [U][C]記録, 登録
place [put] ... on record
crack a record
He keeps a record of what he spends.
That's one for the record.
2 記録文書, 議事録, 公記録, 公判記録;証拠品;遺物;(文書などで保存されている)情報, 知識
the (Public) Record Office
3 成績, 経歴, 履歴;(行動・功績などの)記録
a patient's record
His record at the university was remarkable.
4 ((米))犯罪歴;前科.
5 (運動競技などの)記録, レコード, 最高記録, 新記録
hold [break, beat] the world record
set a record
6 思い出の人[物];記念品.
7 (蓄音機の)レコード
play a record
8 《コンピュータ》記録, レコード:一そろいのデータ.
bear record to ...
change the record
for the record
記録として残すための[に];正確を期すための[に];はっきり言って, 公式に申し述べるが.
get [put, set] the record straight
go [put oneself] on record
(意見・立場を)公に発表する, 自分の態度を明らかにする, 記録に残る.
keep to the record
off the record
((略式))公表してはならない, オフレコの[で], 非公開の[で], 秘密の[で]
The President gave an off the record interview.
on [upon] (the) record
(1) 公に知られている, 公式に言明[表明]した
the heaviest rainfall on record
(2) (出版物などに)記録された, 記録にある.記録的な[記録破りの]豪雨.
(3) 記録的な.

a record rainfall
a record 500 letters記録的な豪雨
v., -cord·ed, -cord·ing, -cords. v.tr.
- To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.
- To register or indicate: The clerk recorded the votes.
- To register (sound or images) in permanent form by mechanical or electrical means for reproduction.
- To register the words, sound, appearance, or performance of by such means: recorded the oldest townspeople on tape; recorded the violin concerto.
To record something.
n. rec·ord (rĕk'ərd)
- An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge.
- Something on which such an account is based.
- Something that records: a fossil record.
- Information or data on a particular subject collected and preserved: the coldest day on record.
- The known history of performance, activities, or achievement: your academic record; hampered by a police record.
- An unsurpassed measurement: a world record in weightlifting; a record for cold weather.
- Computer Science. A collection of related, often adjacent items of data, treated as a unit.
- Law.
- An account officially written and preserved as evidence or testimony.
- An account of judicial or legislative proceedings written and preserved as evidence.
- The documents or volumes containing such evidence.
- A disk designed to be played on a phonograph.
- Something, such as magnetic tape, on which sound or visual images have been recorded.
go on record
- To embrace a certain position publicly: go on record in favor of the mayor's reelection.
- Not for publication: The senator told the reporters that his remarks were strictly off the record.
- Known to have been stated or to have taken a certain position: The senator's opposition to the new legislation is on record.
[Middle English recorden, from Old French recorder, from Latin recordārī, to remember : re-, re- + cor, cord-, heart.]
Real Madrid 西班牙皇家
re·al2 (rā-äl')

n., pl. -als or -al·es (-ä'lĕs).
A silver coin formerly used in Spain and Latin America.
[Spanish, royal, real, from Latin rēgālis, royal, from rēx, rēg-, king.]
re·al3 (rā-äl')

n., pl. re·ais (-īsh').
- A monetary unit formerly used in Portugal.
- A basic unit of currency in Brazil.
[Portuguese, royal, real, from Latin rēgālis, royal. See real2.]