【#逐字學英文國際週報】01:stifle naysayers who might rein in the gullible, fearful symmetry, trade pact, trade deal, empty-handed
Hong Kong markets: Dramatic plunges in three stocks offer a cautionary tale about dubious practices that have gone unchecked and rules that stifle naysayers who might rein in the gullible. |
A trade pact is unlikely to ease the tension. “We’ve got decades of painful negotiating with China ahead,” said one expert.
Progress toward a trade deal nearly collapsed over the weekend, with officials returning to Beijing empty-handed and the Trump administration raising tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports.
Markets Soar, but New Rules Upset Traders
When Washington changed the rules, winners became losers and losers became winners, and both camps were left fearful about what would come next.
Russia Is Not Jamaica
America’s back in the cold war and W.’s back on vacation.
Talk about your fearful symmetry*.
After eight years, the president’s gut remains gullible. He’ll go out as he came in — ignoring reality; failing to foresee, prevent or even prepare for disasters; misinterpreting intelligence reports; misreading people; and handling crises in ways that makes them exponentially worse.
fearful symmetry雙關語 原詩
*489. Tiger. William Blake. The Oxford Book of English VerseCould frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies, 5 ... What immortal hand or eye. Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? ...
後世一些名文論 和科普等領域的書以此為書名
Fearful Symmetry (Paperback)
by Northrop Frye (Author) "This book offers an explanation of Blake's thought and a commentary on his poetry..." (more)gullible
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:
There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people gullible enough to buy them.fearful
1 SLIGHTLY FORMAL frightened or worried about something:
He hesitated before ringing her, fearful of what she might say.
She's fearful (that) she may lose custody of her children.
2 UK OLD-FASHIONED very bad:
a fearful argument
a fearful temper
1 with fear:
Fearfully, he walked closer to the edge.
2 UK OLD-FASHIONED extremely:
These cakes are fearfully good.