The Five Star Movement won support by being uncompromisingly hostile to the establishment. Since taking office, it has become part of it
The decline of an empire

Italy’s quirkiest party goes from hero towards zero
Wonderful museums, world-class architecture, quirky bars and more. See what this small city in northwest Switzerland has to offer.
A British Opener, Confidently Eccentric
A dizzying, hilariously quirky production celebrated
the country’s present by including a flock of sheep, the Sex Pistols,
Lord Voldemort and dancing nurses.
Europe's largest bell will ring inside the Olympic stadium at 21:00 BST at the start of the £27m extravaganza, featuring a cast of 10,000 volunteers and said to be a quirky take on British life.
When Getting Directions, It Helps To Know Where the Fig Tree Was
Rica is on a quest to end the colorful life of its quirky yet costly
address system, but there are roadblocks ahead. People use distances
from landmarks to guide taxis, delivery trucks and, of course, postmen.
While companies have long employed quirky advertising tactics and seemingly overgenerous rewards to entice customers via print media or broadcasting, the advent of online services such as Twitter have spawned extreme, sometimes off-the-wall campaigns.
off the wall
(ôf'THə-wôl', ŏf'-)
adj. Informal
- Very unconventional or unusual: manic, off-the-wall creativity; off-the-wall humor.
- Exhibiting bizarre behavior; crazy: their off-the-wall friends.
Company officials say that unlike traditional advertising mediums, online services provide an opportunity to reach millions of consumers at very little cost. The savings, they say, allow them to use their ad budgets for even more high-profile, at times, hair-raising stunts.
Causing excitement, terror, or thrills.
hair-raising stunts,
stunt (stŭnt)

- A feat displaying unusual strength, skill, or daring.
- Something done to attract attention or publicity.
To perform stunts or a stunt.
[Origin unknown.]